def | carputils.model.induceReentry.converge_to_EB (args, job, meshname, cmd_ref, stim_index, simid, nodes_to_check_str, startstatef, start_S2, upper_bound, lower_bound) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.PEERP (args, job, cmd_ref, meshname, sinus, stim_points, steady_state_dir) |
| Pacing at the End of the Effective Refractory Period: More...
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.stimulation (args, start, start_bcl, end_bcl, step, n_beats, stim_index) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.RP_E (args, job, cmd_ref, meshname, stim_points, steady_state_dir) |
| Rapid Pacing with reentry check at the End: More...
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.check_propagation (args, job, meshname, cmd_ref, stim_index, simid, nodes_to_check_str, startstatef, start_S2) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.RP_B (args, job, cmd_ref, meshname, stim_points, steady_state_dir) |
| Rapid Pacing with reentry check after every Beat: More...
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.assignRandomCoord (points, sing_points) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.assignDirection (coordinates) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.makeCircle3D (startCoord, radius, seedNum, normV, point1, point2, nodes) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.assignPhaseValues (seeds, originalCoord, directions, normV, point1, point2, nodes) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.planeInfo (coordinate, nodes, triangles) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.deflate (x) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.csr_row_set_nz_to_val (csr, row, value=0) |
| Set all nonzero elements (elements currently in the sparsity pattern) to the given value. More...
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.eikonal_solver (nodes, triangles, knownNodes, phi0) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.assignWallValues (surfacePoints, allPoints, surfaceValues) |
def | carputils.model.induceReentry.PSD (args, job, cmd, meshname, xyz, triangles, centre) |
| Phase Singularity Distribution: More...