Doxygen code documentation for the python framework controlling openCARP
Classes | Namespaces | Functions | Variables
plotTrace File Reference


class  bin.plotTrace.FileDescription
 Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv. More...


 Plot trace files.


def bin.plotTrace.parser ()
def bin.plotTrace.openCARP_dtype (carp_dtype, carp_dsize)
 Determine openCARP data type. More...
def bin.plotTrace.read_sv_dump_header (filename)
 Reads header provided by LIMPET/bench and extracts information about the binary files to read and create the HDF5 repository. More...
def bin.plotTrace.read_sv_dump (filename, is_bigendian, type, dsize, numSamps)
 Read state variables from binary file. More...
def bin.plotTrace.readTrace (fname)


def bin.plotTrace.opts = parser().parse_args()
def bin.plotTrace.flst = read_sv_dump_header(opts.headerfile)
def bin.plotTrace.dtype = openCARP_dtype(f.dtype, f.dsize)
def bin.plotTrace.time = read_sv_dump(f.fname, f.isbig, dtype, f.dsize, f.numSamps)
def bin.plotTrace.fcont = read_sv_dump(f.fname, f.isbig, dtype, f.dsize, f.numSamps)