openCARP is an open cardiac electrophysiology simulator for in-silico experiments.
To start navigating through the documentation, please click on "Related Pages", "Namespaces", "Classes", "Files", or "Examples" above to start walking through the documentation.
Software architecture description
Here is a brief dependency graph of the simulator
For more detailed dependency and explanation, please check
- simulator: openCARP C++ simulator main functions.
- numerics: Managing stimulation signals and PETSc utilites.
- physics: Tissue level electrics, electrical ionics functions and LIMPET wrappers.
- limpet: Library of IMPs (Ionic Model & Plug-ins) for Electrophysiological Theorization and the performance measurements program
- fem: Finite element method solvers and interface to slimfem.
- slimfem: A lightweight header-only mesh management and FEM framework.
Other binaries
- param: Generating C++ source codes from
- tools
- mesher: Generating regular meshes.
- igbutils:
files utilities including igbapd
, igbdft
, igbextract
, igbhead
, and igbops