def | __init__ (self, args, kwargs) |
def | opts (self) |
| Generator that yields field name - value pairs for the command line. More...
def | slug (self) |
| Generate a descriptive short name. More...
def | __init__ (self, args, kwargs) |
def | opts (self) |
| Generator that yields field name - value pairs for the command line. More...
def | __init__ (self, IDs=[], name=None, args, kwargs) |
def | opts (self) |
| Generator that yields field name - value pairs for the command line. More...
def | __init__ (self, fields) |
def | opts (self) |
| Generator that yields field name - value pairs for the command line. More...
def | opts_formatted (self, index) |
| Return the command line options for this model component. More...
string carputils.model.general.AbstractMechanicsMaterial.MODELFIELD = 'type' |
static |
string carputils.model.general.AbstractMechanicsMaterial.PARAMSET_FIELD = 'params' |
static |
string carputils.model.general.AbstractMechanicsMaterial.PRM_ARRAY = 'mregion' |
static |
string carputils.model.general.AbstractMechanicsMaterial.PRM_LENGTH = 'num_mregions' |
static |
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