Tissue prepacing:
It consists of a series of pulses at a fixed basic cycle length to let the tissue reach a stable limit cycle. An activation time map is computed for the last beat. This method will generate an intermediate state to be loaded in the other protocols. This is not a protocol to induce arrhythmia.
Input parser arguments (args), output directory (job.ID), struct containing imp_regions and gregions (cmd_ref), meshname, sinus node location (sinus), prepacing directory (steady_state_dir) and tissue initialization
help='set 1 for mass lumping, 0 otherwise. Mass lumping will speed up the simulation. Use with regular meshes.'
help='stimulation edge square size in micrometers'
type=float, default=500.0,
help='initial basic cycle lenght in [ms]'
type = int,
default = 4,
help='Number of beats to prepace the tissue'