29 #define CALIBRATION_BEAT 3 32 #define def_APD90_thresh -66. 33 #define def_APD30_thresh -2. void calibrate_thresholds(action_potential *AP)
int calBeat
beat number used to calibrate thresholds
bool check_steady_state(steady_state_ap *ss)
bool pmat
indiacte premature AP
int cnt
count number of beats in steady state
ap_events ampls
amplitude events (mx or mn found in a signal)
float * p
array of parameters at previous AP
FILE * rstats
output restitution statistics only
float triang
AP triangulation, APD90-APD30.
void print_AP_stats_header(action_potential *AP, FILE *outbuf)
event_meth m
method is MX_VAL
bool check_events(double vm, action_potential *AP, timer_manager *tm)
double t
time when event was observed
double * trace
short trace of signal to analyze
event_x_threshold x_thresh
double s
value of signal when event occurred
float * c
array of parameters at current AP
float APD
standard APD as measured by APD90
int initialize_AP_analysis(action_potential *AP)
Timers and timer manager.
int num_APs
minimum number of APs for steady state
void cleanup_AP_analysis(action_potential *AP)
ap_events repols
repolarization events
ap_events acts
activation events
FILE * stats
output statistics for each AP
ap_states state
current state of AP, ongoing AP or diastole
bool p_slope
toggle max min search
steady_state_ap ss
steady state detection
int num_params
number of parameters we use to decide steady state
float DIp
DI of the previous AP.
enum limpet::_event_meth event_meth
union limpet::_event_class event_class
centralize time managment and output triggering
enum limpet::_ap_states ap_states