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by (640 points)
In slimfem implementation, what is the difference between algebraic nodes numbering (stored for example in a vector and PETSc numbering (stored in a vector mesh.get_numbering(SF::NBR_PETSC))? I can only guess that the PETSc one takes into account also a sort of overlapping between the nodes owned by the processors, but outputs seems to be very different between the two numberings if printed. Also, I was wondering which one is taken into account when matrices are built.

Thank you in advance

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (8.5k points)
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Best answer returns a vector of local indices. It contains the indices of the d.o.f. that belong uniquely to the process. As such, this is the non-overlapping part of the overlapping domains. The name "algebraic nodes" is historical, as the linear algebra system definition in PETSc uses non-overlapping d.o.f.

The vector returned by mesh.get_numbering(SF::NBR_PETSC) contains global indices of all d.o.f. in the overlapping domains. As such, each rank can look up the global index of it's local d.o.f., for example when inserting entries into a matrix.
by (640 points)
Thank you, I have another question related: why in we find different nodes w.r.t. the ones stored in
As far as I understand  each processor seems to hold in just the coordinates for the nodes in, while algebraic_nodes() stores the indices of the local elements. If I wanted to extract coordinates for algebraic_nodes() do I have to perform some cumbersome communication or is there a simpler way? I would find cleaner handling coherent DD nodes, but I am sure I am missing something on the parallel architecture
by (8.5k points) are again global indices. You are comparing global with local indices.

Lets say we are looking at the local vertex index 5. Then[5*3+0] till[5*3+2] are the vertex coordinates (of course usually we dont access them this way, but via an element_view),[5] is the (global) index in the mesh on the hard disk of this vertex, and[5] is the (global) index in the parallel, distributed linear equation system.

The whole point of storing the numberings is to not have to communicate.

Coming back to algebraic_nodes(): Lets denote Np := mesh.l_numpts on rank p. Then the implicit local index range is [0, Np-1] (this local range is not stored since trivial). algebraic_nodes() is some subset of this interval.

For example, if Np := 5, then the local range is [0 1 2 3 4] and one possible algebraic_nodes() set would be [1 3].. Hope that makes sense now.

The reason we have algebraic_nodes() is that in many algorithms one needs to work on a non-overlapping parallel distribution of the nodes, while in other algorithms one needs a non-overlapping distribution of the *elements* (thus a overlapping node distribution). By storing algebraic_nodes() we can access both overlapping and non-overlapping local nodal index ranges.
by (640 points)
Yes, thank you very much. Paying more attention to the output of some tests I did and comparing them to your answers it is clear what you mean.
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