Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv.
Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv.
◆ __init__()
def bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.__init__ |
( |
self, |
fname, |
dtype, |
isbig = 0 , |
dsize = 0 , |
numSamps = 0 |
) |
| |
◆ dsize
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.dsize |
◆ dtype
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.dtype |
◆ fname
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.fname |
◆ isbig
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.isbig |
◆ numSamps
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.numSamps |
◆ samps
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.samps |
◆ vname
bin.bin2h5.FileDescription.vname |
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