Doxygen code documentation for the python framework controlling openCARP
Functions | Variables
bin.carphelp Namespace Reference

openCARP parameters helper More...


def highlight_keywords (string)
 For each keyword in the predefined list KEYWORDS, find the pattern keyword+':' in the string and highlight keyword. More...
def highlight_types (string, prefix='', suffix='')
 For each element dtype in DTYPES, highlight dtype if prefix+dtype+suffix is contained in string. More...
def build_helpcmd (carpexec, args)
def main (carpexec, arg, colors=True)
 Prints documentation about matching openCARP parameters. More...
def print_help ()


string GRCOL = '\33[1;32m'
string YLCOL = '\33[1;33m'
string BLCOL = '\33[1;34m'
string NOCOL = '\33[0m'
tuple DTYPES
 carpexec = settings.execs['CARP']
 args = sys.argv[1:]
bool colors = True

Detailed Description

openCARP parameters helper

This script allows you to find openCARP parameters containing a given search pattern, and to get their documentation. Use "+" to concatenate multiple search patterns.

> carphelp pattern pattern ... [–no-col]


> carphelp imp_region stim+type

Function Documentation

◆ build_helpcmd()

def bin.carphelp.build_helpcmd (   carpexec,

◆ highlight_keywords()

def bin.carphelp.highlight_keywords (   string)

For each keyword in the predefined list KEYWORDS, find the pattern keyword+':' in the string and highlight keyword.

stringstr string in which keywords should be highlighted
string str the string with keywords highlighted
totcount int the number of keywords found in the string

◆ highlight_types()

def bin.carphelp.highlight_types (   string,
  prefix = '',
  suffix = '' 

For each element dtype in DTYPES, highlight dtype if prefix+dtype+suffix is contained in string.

string str string in which matching patterns are highlighted
totcount str number of matching patterns

◆ main()

def bin.carphelp.main (   carpexec,
  colors = True 

Prints documentation about matching openCARP parameters.

carpexecstr openCARP executable
argstr search patterns for parameters
colorsbool if True, highlighting is used on the output

◆ print_help()

def bin.carphelp.print_help ( )

Variable Documentation

◆ args

bin.carphelp.args = sys.argv[1:]


string bin.carphelp.BLCOL = '\33[1;34m'

◆ carpexec

bin.carphelp.carpexec = settings.execs['CARP']

◆ cli


◆ colors

bool bin.carphelp.colors = True


tuple bin.carphelp.DTYPES
Initial value:
1 = ('Short', 'Int', 'Size_t', 'Float', 'Double',
2  'WFile', 'RFile', 'String', 'Flag')


string bin.carphelp.GRCOL = '\33[1;32m'


tuple bin.carphelp.KEYWORDS
Initial value:
1 = ('type', 'min', 'max', 'default',
2  'units', 'menu', 'ext', 'Depends on',
3  'Changes the allocation of', 'Influences the value of',
4  'Changes the default value of')


string bin.carphelp.NOCOL = '\33[0m'


string bin.carphelp.YLCOL = '\33[1;33m'