Doxygen code documentation for the python framework controlling openCARP
Classes | Functions | Variables
carputils.model.ionic Namespace Reference


class  AlievPanfilovIonicModel
 Describes the AlievPanfilov ionic model. More...
class  AslanidiSleimanIonicModel
 Describes the AslanidiSleiman ionic model. More...
class  AugustinIonicModel
 Describes the Augustin ionic model. More...
class  BondarenkoIonicModel
 Describes the Bondarenko ionic model. More...
class  CamposIonicModel
 Describes the Campos ionic model. More...
class  CourtemancheIonicModel
 Describes the Courtemanche ionic model. More...
class  DiFrancescoNobleIonicModel
 Describes the DiFrancescoNoble ionic model. More...
class  DrouhardRobergeIonicModel
 Describes the DrouhardRoberge ionic model. More...
class  FabbriIonicModel
 Describes the Fabbri ionic model. More...
class  FoxIonicModel
 Describes the Fox ionic model. More...
class  GaurIonicModel
 Describes the Gaur ionic model. More...
class  GrandiIonicModel
 Describes the Grandi ionic model. More...
class  GrandiPanditVoigtIonicModel
 Describes the GrandiPanditVoigt ionic model. More...
class  HodgkinHuxleyIonicModel
 Describes the HodgkinHuxley ionic model. More...
class  InadaIonicModel
 Describes the Inada ionic model. More...
class  IribeKohlIonicModel
 Describes the IribeKohl ionic model. More...
class  KurataIonicModel
 Describes the Kurata ionic model. More...
class  LoeweIonicModel
 Describes the Loewe ionic model. More...
class  LuoRudy91IonicModel
 Describes the LuoRudy91 ionic model. More...
class  LuoRudy94IonicModel
 Describes the LuoRudy94 ionic model. More...
class  MacCannellIonicModel
 Describes the MacCannell ionic model. More...
class  MahajanShiferawIonicModel
 Describes the MahajanShiferaw ionic model. More...
class  MaleckarIonicModel
 Describes the Maleckar ionic model. More...
class  MitchellSchaefferIonicModel
 Describes the MitchellSchaeffer ionic model. More...
class  NygrenIonicModel
 Describes the Nygren ionic model. More...
class  OHaraIonicModel
 Describes the OHara ionic model. More...
class  PassiveIonicRegion
 Describes the passive ionic model configuration. More...
class  PathmanathanIonicModel
 Describes the Pathmanathan ionic model. More...
class  PlonseyIonicModel
 Describes the Plonsey ionic model. More...
class  RamirezIonicModel
 Describes the Ramirez ionic model. More...
class  SeveriIonicModel
 Describes the Severi ionic model. More...
class  ShannonIonicModel
 Describes the Shannon ionic model. More...
class  SkibsbyeIonicModel
 Describes the Skibsbye ionic model. More...
class  StewartIonicModel
 Describes the Stewart ionic model. More...
class  tenTusscherPanfilovIonicModel
 Describes the tenTusscherPanfilov ionic model. More...
class  TomekIonicModel
 Describes the Tomek ionic model. More...
class  WangSobieIonicModel
 Describes the WangSobie ionic model. More...


def keys ()
 Return a list of string keys to be used with :func:get More...
def get (args, kwargs)
 Get a class from its key string from :func:keys More...
def summary (indent=2, ncolumns=4, padding=2)
 Return a string summarizing the models and their parameters. More...


 MAPPING = _OrderedDict()

Function Documentation

◆ get()

def carputils.model.ionic.get (   args,

Get a class from its key string from :func:keys

◆ keys()

def carputils.model.ionic.keys ( )

Return a list of string keys to be used with :func:get

◆ summary()

def carputils.model.ionic.summary (   indent = 2,
  ncolumns = 4,
  padding = 2 

Return a string summarizing the models and their parameters.

Variable Documentation


carputils.model.ionic.MAPPING = _OrderedDict()