►Nhashmap | |
Chash_cstr_ops | |
Chash_int_ops | |
Chash_obj_ops | |
Chash_ops | Base hashing class |
Chash_ops< int32_t > | |
Chash_ops< int64_t > | |
Chash_ops< SF::quadruple< T > > | |
Chash_ops< SF::triple< T > > | |
Chash_ops< SF::tuple< T > > | |
Chash_ops< std::pair< P, Q > > | |
Chash_ops< std::string > | |
Chash_ops< std::tuple< T... > > | |
Chash_ops< std::vector< T > > | |
Chash_ptr_ops | |
Cidict | |
Cmfp | |
►Cunordered_map | |
Cconst_iterator | Const iterator |
Citerator | Default iterator |
►Cunordered_set | Custom unordered_set implementation |
Cconst_iterator | |
Centry_t | Internal entry type |
Citerator | |
►Nkdpart | |
Cbbox | Bounding box struct |
Celem | Element definition |
Cmixed_pair | Combined floating point and integer pair |
Cparallel_partitioner | |
Cpartition | Struct holding all partition data |
Csequential_partitioner | |
Cvec3 | Minimalistic internal point struct |
►Nlimpet | |
C_event_class | |
C_stretch | |
Caction_potential | |
Cap_event | |
Cap_events | |
CauxotonicStretch | |
Ccell_geom | |
CClamp | |
Cd_OdeVec | |
Cevent_mx_rate | |
Cevent_mx_val | |
Cevent_timing | |
Cevent_x_threshold | |
CIMPinfo | |
CIOCtrl | |
►CIonIf | Child class of IonIfBase specialized for each ionic model type |
CLimpetArray | Utility class for handling arrays of data used by IMPs |
CIonIfBase | Represents the ionic model and plug-in (IMP) data structure |
CIonType | Abstract class representing an ionic model type |
CisoSarcoStretch | |
CisoStretch | |
CLimpetData | |
CLUT | Lookup table structure |
CpulseStretch | |
Crestitute_dynamic | |
Crestitute_S1S2 | |
Crestitution | |
Csteady_state_ap | |
CSV_DUMP | Data structure to manage state variable file dumps |
CSV_TAB | Array of stat variable structures |
CTargetAllocator | Allocator structure for dynamically allocating memory on multiple targets |
Ctc_grp | Time constant groups |
Ctrace | Manage input, output, resampling of traces |
CTrace_Info | Data structure to manage trace dumps. Should eventually be combined with the state variable dumps, but I'm keeping it separate for now for my own sanity |
CTrgList | |
Cts | Time stepper |
►Nopencarp | |
►Nasync | |
Casync_IO_queue | Queue with the data required for performing async IO writes to IGB |
Cintercomm_layout | Minimal information needed for communication between MPI_Comms |
►Nsig | |
CAPfoot | |
CAPfootFunc | Action potential foot pulse |
CbiphasicTruncExpFunc | Biphasic truncated exponentials (capacitive discharge) |
CconstFunc | Constant function |
CmonophasicTruncExpFunc | Monophasic truncated exponentials (capacitive discharge) |
CPulse | |
CsampleTraceFunc | |
CsineFunc | Sine waves |
CsineWave | |
CStep | |
CstepFunc | Step function |
Ctime_trace | Time tracing class |
Ctime_trace_ffmt | Manage trace format |
CActivation | Event detection data structures |
Casync_io_item | |
Cbase_timer | |
CBasic_physic | The abstract physics interface we can use to trigger all physics |
CD_Complex | |
►Cdbc_manager | Manager for dirichlet boundary conditions |
Cdbc_data | |
CdiffMaterial | |
Celec_stiffness_integrator | |
CelecMaterial | |
CElectrics | |
Celliptic_solver | |
Cfile_desc | File descriptor struct |
Cgeneric_timing_stats | For analysis of the #iterations to solve CG |
Cgeom_shape | Class to store shape definitions |
Cgvec_data | |
Cigb_output_manager | |
CIGBheader | |
CIonics | |
CLaplace | |
CLAT_detector | |
Clin_solver_stats | For analysis of the #iterations to solve CG |
CList | |
Cmass_integrator | |
CMaterialType | Description of materal properties in a mesh |
CopticsMaterial | |
Cparabolic_solver | |
Cphie_recovery_data | |
CphysMaterial | |
Cprog_stats | For display execution progress and statistical data of electrical solve |
CRegionSpecs | Region based variations of arbitrary material parameters |
Crgba | |
CS_Complex | |
CSalt_list | Saltatory list – memory is allocated in chunks |
CSentinel | Sentinel for checking activity in the tissue |
Cstim_electrode | |
Cstim_physics | |
Cstim_protocol | |
Cstim_pulse | Define the wave form of a stimulation pulse |
Cstimulus | |
Csv_data | |
Csync_io_item | |
Ctimer_eq | |
Ctimer_manager | Centralize time managment and output triggering |
Ctimer_neq | |
Cvec3 | |
►NSF | |
Cabstract_linear_solver | |
Cabstract_matrix | |
Cabstract_partitioner | Abstract base class for a mesh partitioner |
Cabstract_vector | |
Ccommgraph | The class holds the communication graph for a MPI_Exchange() call |
Cdmat | Dense matrix class |
Celement_view | Comfort class. Provides getter functions to access the mesh member variables more comfortably |
Cindex_mapping | Index mapping class. This is a bijective mapping |
Ckdtree_partitioner | |
Cmatrix_integrator | Abstract matrix integration base class |
Cmeshdata | The mesh storage class. It contains both element and vertex data |
Cmixed_triple | |
Cmixed_tuple | |
Cnon_overlapping_layout | The parallel layout of non overlapping indices |
Cnumbering | The abstract numbering class |
Coverlapping_layout | The overlapping_layout class contains the algorithms related to managing overlapping parallel index sets, such as the indexing of the nodes, faces or edges of a distributed mesh |
Cparallel_layout | The base class for parallel layouts |
Cpetsc_numbering | Functor class generating a numbering optimized for PETSc |
CPoint | Point and vector struct |
Cquadruple | |
Cscatter_registry | The scatterer registry class |
Cscattering | Container for a PETSc VecScatter |
Csparse_multiply_transpose | Functor for the sparse matrix multiply-transpose operation |
Csubmesh_numbering | Functor class applying a submesh renumbering |
Ctriple | |
Ctuple | |
Cvector | A vector storing arbitrary data |
Cvector_integrator | Abstract vector integration base class |
CasciiPlotter | |
CBBoxDef | |
CBlockRegion | |
CBoundingBox | |
CButterworth | |
CCylindricalRegion | |
CD_Complex | |
CElement | |
CfibDef | |
CGrid | |
CGrid1D | |
CGrid2D | |
CGrid3D | |
CHexahedron | |
Chistogramm_plotter | Class that generates a histogram for a data vector and prints it using asciiPlotter |
CIGBheader | |
CIIR_Filt | |
CInterp | Interpolate class |
CLine | |
CList | |
Cmatrixgraph_plotter | Ascii matrix graph plotter |
CpiecewiseLinear_function | |
Cprogress | Base class for tracking progress |
Cprogress_bar | Display progress as a bar |
Cprogress_percent | Display progress as a percentage |
Cquad_sele | |
CQuadrilateral | |
CRegion | |
Crgba | |
CS_Complex | |
CSphericalRegion | |
CTestGinkgo | |
CTetrahedron | |
CTisAxes | |
CtmProfile | |
Ctri_sele | |
CTriangle | |