Doxygen code documentation for the open cardiac electrophysiology simulator openCARP
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CSF::abstract_linear_solver< T, S >
 CSF::abstract_matrix< T, S >
 CSF::abstract_partitioner< T, S >Abstract base class for a mesh partitioner
 CSF::abstract_vector< T, S >
 Copencarp::ActivationEvent detection data structures
 Copencarp::async::async_IO_queueQueue with the data required for performing async IO writes to IGB
 Copencarp::Basic_physicThe abstract physics interface we can use to trigger all physics
 Ckdpart::bbox< S >Bounding box struct
 CSF::commgraph< T >The class holds the communication graph for a MPI_Exchange() call
 CSF::commgraph< size_t >
 Copencarp::dbc_managerManager for dirichlet boundary conditions
 CSF::dmat< S >Dense matrix class
 CSF::dmat< double >
 Ckdpart::elem< T, S >Element definition
 CSF::element_view< T, S >Comfort class. Provides getter functions to access the mesh member variables more comfortably
 Chashmap::unordered_set< K, OPS >::entry_tInternal entry type
 Copencarp::file_descFile descriptor struct
 Copencarp::generic_timing_statsFor analysis of the #iterations to solve CG
 Copencarp::geom_shapeClass to store shape definitions
 Chashmap::hash_ops< T >Base hashing class
 Chashmap::hash_ops< SF::quadruple< T > >
 Chashmap::hash_ops< SF::triple< T > >
 Chashmap::hash_ops< SF::tuple< T > >
 Chashmap::hash_ops< std::pair< P, Q > >
 Chashmap::hash_ops< std::string >
 Chashmap::hash_ops< std::tuple< T... > >
 Chashmap::hash_ops< std::vector< T > >
 Chistogramm_plotter< V >Class that generates a histogram for a data vector and prints it using asciiPlotter
 Chashmap::idict< K, offset, OPS >
 Chashmap::idict< K, 0, OPS >
 CSF::index_mapping< T >Index mapping class. This is a bijective mapping
 CSF::index_mapping< mesh_int_t >
 Copencarp::async::intercomm_layoutMinimal information needed for communication between MPI_Comms
 CInterpInterpolate class
 Climpet::IonIfBaseRepresents the ionic model and plug-in (IMP) data structure
 Climpet::IonTypeAbstract class representing an ionic model type
 Climpet::IonIf< T >::LimpetArray< S >Utility class for handling arrays of data used by IMPs
 Climpet::IonIf< T >::LimpetArray< typename T::private_type >
 Climpet::IonIf< T >::LimpetArray< typename T::private_type_vector >
 Climpet::IonIf< T >::LimpetArray< typename T::state_type >
 Climpet::LimpetData< T >
 Copencarp::lin_solver_statsFor analysis of the #iterations to solve CG
 Climpet::LUTLookup table structure
 Copencarp::MaterialTypeDescription of materal properties in a mesh
 CSF::matrix_integrator< T, S >Abstract matrix integration base class
 CSF::matrix_integrator< mesh_int_t, mesh_real_t >
 Cmatrixgraph_plotter< VEC >Ascii matrix graph plotter
 CSF::meshdata< T, S >The mesh storage class. It contains both element and vertex data
 CSF::meshdata< mesh_int_t, mesh_real_t >
 Chashmap::mfp< K, OPS >
 Ckdpart::mixed_pair< T, S >Combined floating point and integer pair
 CSF::mixed_triple< T, S, V >
 CSF::mixed_tuple< T, S >
 CSF::mixed_tuple< mesh_t, int >
 CSF::numbering< T, S >The abstract numbering class
 CSF::parallel_layout< T >The base class for parallel layouts
 CSF::parallel_layout< mesh_int_t >
 Ckdpart::parallel_partitioner< T, S >
 Ckdpart::partition< T, S >Struct holding all partition data
 CpiecewiseLinear_function< V >
 CSF::PointPoint and vector struct
 Copencarp::prog_statsFor display execution progress and statistical data of electrical solve
 Cprogress< T >Base class for tracking progress
 Cquad_sele< T >
 CSF::quadruple< T >
 Copencarp::RegionSpecsRegion based variations of arbitrary material parameters
 Copencarp::Salt_listSaltatory list – memory is allocated in chunks
 CSF::scatter_registryThe scatterer registry class
 CSF::scatteringContainer for a PETSc VecScatter
 Copencarp::SentinelSentinel for checking activity in the tissue
 Ckdpart::sequential_partitioner< T, S >
 CSF::sparse_multiply_transpose< T, S >Functor for the sparse matrix multiply-transpose operation
 Copencarp::stim_pulseDefine the wave form of a stimulation pulse
 Climpet::SV_DUMPData structure to manage state variable file dumps
 Climpet::SV_TABArray of stat variable structures
 Climpet::TargetAllocator< T >Allocator structure for dynamically allocating memory on multiple targets
 Climpet::tc_grpTime constant groups
 Copencarp::sig::time_traceTime tracing class
 Copencarp::sig::time_trace_ffmtManage trace format
 Copencarp::timer_managerCentralize time managment and output triggering
 Climpet::traceManage input, output, resampling of traces
 Climpet::Trace_InfoData structure to manage trace dumps. Should eventually be combined with the state variable dumps, but I'm keeping it separate for now for my own sanity
 Ctri_sele< T >
 CSF::triple< T >
 Climpet::tsTime stepper
 CSF::tuple< T >
 Chashmap::unordered_map< K, T, OPS >
 Chashmap::unordered_map< mesh_int_t, mesh_int_t >
 Chashmap::unordered_map< SF::quadruple< int >, SF::scattering *>
 Chashmap::unordered_map< T, T >
 Chashmap::unordered_set< K, OPS >Custom unordered_set implementation
 Chashmap::unordered_set< int >
 Ckdpart::vec3< S >Minimalistic internal point struct
 Copencarp::vec3< V >
 Copencarp::vec3< POINT_REAL >
 CSF::vector< T >A vector storing arbitrary data
 CSF::vector< double >
 CSF::vector< elem_t >
 CSF::vector< int >
 CSF::vector< mesh_int_t >
 CSF::vector< mesh_real_t >
 CSF::vector< opencarp::Activation >
 CSF::vector< opencarp::async_io_item >
 CSF::vector< opencarp::IGBheader *>
 CSF::vector< opencarp::RegionSpecs >
 CSF::vector< opencarp::stimulus >
 CSF::vector< opencarp::sv_data >
 CSF::vector< opencarp::sync_io_item >
 CSF::vector< S >
 CSF::vector< SF::commgraph< size_t > >
 CSF::vector< SF::vector< long int > >
 CSF::vector< SF::vector< mesh_int_t > >
 CSF::vector< SF_int >
 CSF::vector< SF_real >
 CSF::vector< size_t >
 CSF::vector< sReal >
 CSF::vector_integrator< T, S >Abstract vector integration base class