Doxygen code documentation for the open cardiac electrophysiology simulator openCARP
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sim_utils.h File Reference

Simulator-level utility execution control functions. More...

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include "Typedefs.h"
#include "sf_interface.h"
#include "timer_utils.h"
#include "physics_types.h"
#include "build_info.h"
#include "openCARP_p.h"
#include "openCARP_d.h"
#include "IGBheader.h"
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struct  opencarp::prog_stats
 for display execution progress and statistical data of electrical solve More...
struct  opencarp::sync_io_item
struct  opencarp::async_io_item
class  opencarp::igb_output_manager




#define DATAOUT_NONE   0
#define DATAOUT_SURF   1
#define DATAOUT_VOL   2
#define DATAOUT_VTX   3
#define SOLV_METH(A, B)   (B & A##_FLAG)
#define ITERATE_FLAG   2
#define CN_PARAB_FLAG   4
#define PURKINJE_FLAG   8
#define O2dT_PARAB_FLAG   16
#define PSEUDO_BIDM_FLAG   32
#define MONODOMAIN   0
#define BIDOMAIN   1
#define PSEUDO_BIDM   2
#define RECOVER_PHIE   1
#define OPTICAL_MAP   2
#define AXIAL_CURRENTS   8
#define FILAMENTS   16
#define EXP_NORMAL   0
#define EXP_OUTPUT_FEM   1
#define EXP_LAPLACE   2
#define EXP_SETUP_MESH   3


enum  opencarp::IO_t { opencarp::INPUT, opencarp::OUTPUT, opencarp::POSTPROC, opencarp::CURDIR }
 The different output (directory) types. More...
enum  opencarp::tagreg_t { opencarp::tagreg_sphere = 1, opencarp::tagreg_block = 2, opencarp::tagreg_cylinder = 3, opencarp::tagreg_list = 4 }
 tag regions types. must be in line with carp.prm More...


void opencarp::parse_params_cpy (int argc, char **argv)
 Initialize input parameters on a copy of the real command line parameters. More...
void opencarp::register_physics ()
 Register physics to the physics registry. More...
void opencarp::initialize_physics ()
 Initialize all physics in the registry. More...
void opencarp::destroy_physics ()
 Destroy all physics in the registry. More...
void opencarp::simulate ()
 Main simulate loop. More...
void opencarp::post_process ()
 do postprocessing More...
void opencarp::parse_mesh_types ()
 Parse the phys_type CLI parameters and set up (empty) SF::meshdata meshes. More...
void opencarp::setup_meshes ()
 Read in the reference mesh and use its data to populate all meshes registered in the mesh registry. More...
void opencarp::output_meshes ()
unsigned int opencarp::classify_soln_methods ()
void opencarp::check_and_convert_params ()
 Here we want to put all parameter checks, conversions and modifications that have been littered throughout the codebase. More...
void opencarp::setup_petsc_err_log ()
 set up error logs for PETSc, so that it doesnt print errors to stderr. More...
void opencarp::set_io_dirs (char *sim_ID, char *pp_ID, IO_t init)
bool opencarp::setup_IO (int argc, char **argv)
void opencarp::update_cwd ()
 save the current working directory to curdir so that we can switch back to it if needed. More...
int opencarp::set_dir (IO_t dest)
void opencarp::basic_timer_setup ()
 Here we set up the timers that we always want to have, independent of physics. More...
int opencarp::plot_protocols (const char *fname)
 plot simulation protocols (I/O timers, stimuli, boundary conditions, etc) More...
Basic_physic * opencarp::get_physics (physic_t p, bool error_if_missing=true)
 Convinience function to get a physics. More...
short opencarp::get_mesh_dim (mesh_t id)
 get (lowest) dimension of the mesh used in the experiment More...
void opencarp::register_data (sf_vec *dat, datavec_t d)
 Register a data vector in the global registry. More...
void opencarp::cleanup_and_exit ()
char * opencarp::get_file_dir (const char *file)
sf_vec * opencarp::get_data (datavec_t d)
 Retrieve a petsc data vector from the data registry. More...
void opencarp::output_parameter_file (const char *fname, int argc, char **argv)
void opencarp::savequit ()
 save state and quit simulator More...
void opencarp::show_build_info ()
 show the build info, exit if -buildinfo was provided. This code runs before MPI_Init(). More...

Detailed Description

Simulator-level utility execution control functions.

Aurel Neic, Gernot Plank, Edward Vigmond

Definition in file sim_utils.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 150 of file sim_utils.h.


#define AXIAL_CURRENTS   8

Definition at line 151 of file sim_utils.h.


#define BIDOMAIN   1

Definition at line 143 of file sim_utils.h.



Definition at line 41 of file sim_utils.h.


#define CN_PARAB_FLAG   4

Definition at line 136 of file sim_utils.h.



Definition at line 153 of file sim_utils.h.


#define DATAOUT_NONE   0

Definition at line 56 of file sim_utils.h.


#define DATAOUT_SURF   1

Definition at line 57 of file sim_utils.h.


#define DATAOUT_VOL   2

Definition at line 58 of file sim_utils.h.


#define DATAOUT_VTX   3

Definition at line 59 of file sim_utils.h.


#define EXP_LAPLACE   2

Definition at line 158 of file sim_utils.h.


#define EXP_NORMAL   0

Definition at line 156 of file sim_utils.h.


#define EXP_OUTPUT_FEM   1

Definition at line 157 of file sim_utils.h.



Definition at line 160 of file sim_utils.h.


#define EXP_SETUP_MESH   3

Definition at line 159 of file sim_utils.h.


#define FILAMENTS   16

Definition at line 152 of file sim_utils.h.


#define ITERATE_FLAG   2

Definition at line 135 of file sim_utils.h.


#define MONODOMAIN   0

Definition at line 142 of file sim_utils.h.



Definition at line 134 of file sim_utils.h.


#define O2dT_PARAB_FLAG   16

Definition at line 138 of file sim_utils.h.


#define OPTICAL_MAP   2

Definition at line 149 of file sim_utils.h.


#define PSEUDO_BIDM   2

Definition at line 144 of file sim_utils.h.


#define PSEUDO_BIDM_FLAG   32

Definition at line 139 of file sim_utils.h.


#define PURKINJE_FLAG   8

Definition at line 137 of file sim_utils.h.


#define RECOVER_PHIE   1

Definition at line 148 of file sim_utils.h.


#define SOLV_METH (   A,
)    (B & A##_FLAG)

Definition at line 133 of file sim_utils.h.