38 #include "build_info.h" 42 #include "openCARP_p.h" 43 #include "openCARP_d.h" 46 #include "IGBheader.h" 56 #define DATAOUT_NONE 0 57 #define DATAOUT_SURF 1 61 namespace user_globals {
65 extern std::map<mesh_t, sf_mesh>
69 extern std::map<physic_t, Basic_physic*>
133 #define SOLV_METH(A,B) (B & A##_FLAG) 134 #define MONODOMAIN_FLAG 1 135 #define ITERATE_FLAG 2 136 #define CN_PARAB_FLAG 4 137 #define PURKINJE_FLAG 8 138 #define O2dT_PARAB_FLAG 16 139 #define PSEUDO_BIDM_FLAG 32 144 #define PSEUDO_BIDM 2 148 #define RECOVER_PHIE 1 149 #define OPTICAL_MAP 2 150 #define ACTIVATING_FUNCTION 4 151 #define AXIAL_CURRENTS 8 153 #define CURRENT_DENSITIES 32 157 #define EXP_OUTPUT_FEM 1 158 #define EXP_LAPLACE 2 159 #define EXP_SETUP_MESH 3 160 #define EXP_POSTPROCESS 4 203 bool setup_IO(
int argc,
char **argv);
295 void register_output_async(
sf_vec* inp_data,
310 void register_output_sync(
sf_vec* inp_data,
316 bool elem_data =
329 void register_output(
sf_vec* inp_data,
335 bool elem_data =
351 void close_files_and_cleanup();
void register_physics()
Register physics to the physics registry.
bool elem_flag
igb header we use for output
std::map< physic_t, Basic_physic * > physics_reg
the physics
The different output (directory) types.
void output_parameter_file(const char *fname, int argc, char **argv)
void set_io_dirs(char *sim_ID, char *pp_ID, IO_t init)
const SF::vector< mesh_int_t > * restr_idx
when using asyncIO, here we store the different IDs associated to the vectors we output ...
tag regions types. must be in line with carp.prm
std::map< mesh_t, sf_mesh > mesh_reg
Registry for the different meshes used in a multi-physics simulation.
void simulate()
Main simulate loop.
void post_process()
do postprocessing
timer_manager * tm_manager
a manager for the various physics timers
std::map< SF::mixed_tuple< mesh_t, int >, sf_vec * > buffmap
map data spec -> PETSc vector buffer
SF::vector< mesh_int_t > restr_petsc_idx
pointer to index vector with nodal indices we restrict to.
double last
last output wallclock time
void setup_petsc_err_log()
set up error logs for PETSc, so that it doesnt print errors to stderr.
void initialize_physics()
Initialize all physics in the registry.
void savequit()
save state and quit simulator
IGBheader igb
pointer to index vector used for restricting output.
The enum identifying the different meshes we might want to load.
Identifier for the different physics we want to set up.
void check_and_convert_params()
Here we want to put all parameter checks, conversions and modifications that have been littered throu...
char * get_file_dir(const char *file)
Timers and timer manager.
for display execution progress and statistical data of electrical solve
bool setup_IO(int argc, char **argv)
bool using_legacy_stimuli
flag storing whether legacy stimuli are used
FILE * petsc_error_fd
file descriptor for petsc error output
double start
output start wallclock time
std::map< SF::quadruple< int >, SF::index_mapping< int > > map_reg
Registriy for the inter domain mappings.
void parse_mesh_types()
Parse the phys_type CLI parameters and set up (empty) SF::meshdata meshes.
void parse_params_cpy(int argc, char **argv)
Initialize input parameters on a copy of the real command line parameters.
double curr
current output wallclock time
void destroy_physics()
Destroy all physics in the registry.
const SF::vector< mesh_int_t > * restr_idx
pointer to data registered for output
std::map< SF::mixed_tuple< mesh_t, int >, sf_vec * > buffmap_elem
void basic_timer_setup()
Here we set up the timers that we always want to have, independent of physics.
int plot_protocols(const char *fname)
plot simulation protocols (I/O timers, stimuli, boundary conditions, etc)
void setup_meshes()
Read in the reference mesh and use its data to populate all meshes registered in the mesh registry...
void show_build_info()
show the build info, exit if -buildinfo was provided. This code runs before MPI_Init().
SF::abstract_vector< SF_int, SF_real > sf_vec
void register_data(sf_vec *dat, datavec_t d)
Register a data vector in the global registry.
Basic_physic * get_physics(physic_t p, bool error_if_missing)
Convinience function to get a physics.
SF::mixed_tuple< mesh_t, int > spec
flag whether the data is elements-wise
MPI_Comm IO_Intercomm
Communicator between IO and compute worlds.
Index mapping class. This is a bijective mapping.
unsigned int classify_soln_methods()
void update_cwd()
save the current working directory to curdir so that we can switch back to it if needed.
short get_mesh_dim(mesh_t id)
get (lowest) dimension of the mesh used in the experiment
SF::vector< async_io_item > async_IOs
std::map< datavec_t, sf_vec * > datavec_reg
important solution vectors from different physics
std::map< int, std::string > units
Enum used to adress the different data vectors stored in the data registry.
SF::vector< sync_io_item > sync_IOs
sf_vec * get_data(datavec_t d)
Retrieve a petsc data vector from the data registry.
int IO_id
pointer to data registered for output
SF::scatter_registry scatter_reg
Registry for the different scatter objects.
The scatterer registry class.