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by (160 points)

The heart_vol.vtu, a biventricular domain 3D mesh, file is hosted at

Has anyone been able to convert it into openCARP format to use inside openCARP? I get the following error while using the "meshtool convert"

$ meshtool convert -imsh heart_vol.vtu -omsh heart.elem
Reading mesh: heart_vol
Reading binary vtu file:                               [ ] 00h:00m:00s FINWarning, no fibers provided!
Reading binary vtu file:                               [= ] 00h:00m:00s ETA vtu read error: size of Points DataArraydoes not match number of points.

Many thanks for any leads.

Best regards,


1 Answer

0 votes
by (8.5k points)

Your best chance is to load the vtu file in paraview and use "save data" to save it in the "Legacy VTK" format. This worked for me, but you milage may vary, as the different Paraview versions save to different versions of the "legacy" VTK format. Meshtool supports several, but not all legacy VTK formats. Unfortunately, the VTK people keep updating their supposedly "legacy" format, which defeats the whole purpose of a legacy format.

Good luck, Aurel
by (160 points)
Ah okay. Thanks a lot for those insights. I suspected it being some format issue but am relatively new to VTK to know about the legacy issues you highlight!

I will navigate my way through this and get it working. Thanks again

best regards,
by (160 points)
Using paraview to save as "Legacy VTK format" and then using meshtool to convert to .elem worked!

Thanks for the clue..

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