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by (1.3k points)

Hello team,

I am currently trying to implement a matrix exponential solver for use in one of my Markov models. Currently I have an in-house C++ implementation, and there are also open-source versions available as well.

The question is, where would I start implementing this? Since this is a mathematical expression, my first intuition tells me that I should be defining this alongside the other math functions such as exp, sqrt, etc. 

So far, I have been able to find a list of math functions in openCARP/physics/limpet/src/python/ and in openCARP/physics/limpet/Transforms/mlir/lib/Passes/RoofLineCounter.cpp. Any pointers to proceed from here would be greatly appreciated!


1 Answer

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by (19.1k points)
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Best answer
Would you see this as an additional choice for the integration method for single state variables similar to .method(rk2)?

This is a pointer to the advanced time integration code: (in the code generator converting EasyML (.model) to C++)
by (1.3k points)
Thanks for your pointers. At this point, I would agree that the exponential solver should be implemented alongside the integration methods instead of as a basic math function. It seems I will not be needing to implement the exponential solver as of now, but this is good to know. Thanks.
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