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by (460 points)
Hi, I wonder if there is a way to generate normal heart rhythm using openCarp? If possible, could anyone provide some ideas or examples on how to achieve that? Thanks

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)
Please specify what you are looking for concretely and which aspects are unclear to you. "Normal heart rhythm" can mean a ton of things. You can simulate single cell electrophysiology with physiological pacing rates in openCARP, you can look at pace-and-drive behavior and you can simulate sinus rhythm excitation propagation on the tissue level.
by (460 points)
Hi Axel, thanks for the response, what I mean is by normal heart rhythm is the sinus rhythm on tissue level. Could you give me some examples of how to accomplish that? Thank you.
by (19.2k points) gives details about simulating physiological excitation propagation in the atria and the ventricles up to the ECG
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