Hello, I have just installed AugmentA and I tried to run the examples from README. When I did examples, all of them displayed the widows for manual selection of appendage apex and centers of PVs, but the it threw errors. For instance, when I run the Example 4 (Example using a closed surface derived from MRI segmentation to produce a volumetric atrial model), it seems to work for the left atrium but then when it proceeds to the right atrium it gives me this error:
Warning: `use_mesh` is deprecated. See `use_picker` instead.
Apex coordinates: [ -2.40036964 -63.04809952 31.02440071]
Extracting rings...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jg23/Software/AugmentA/main.py", line 121, in <module>
File "/home/jg23/Software/AugmentA/main.py", line 116, in run
File "/home/jg23/Software/AugmentA/pipeline.py", line 247, in AugmentA
File "/home/jg23/Software/AugmentA/Atrial_LDRBM/Generate_Boundaries/extract_rings_TOP_epi_endo.py", line 281, in label_atrial_orifices_TOP_epi_endo
cutting_plane_to_identify_tv_f_tv_s_epi_endo(mesh, RA, RA_rings, outdir)
File "/home/jg23/Software/AugmentA/Atrial_LDRBM/Generate_Boundaries/extract_rings_TOP_epi_endo.py", line 1017, in cutting_plane_to_identify_tv_f_tv_s_epi_endo
if tv_id_epi not in pts_surf:
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (125,) (78,)
Maybe it is something related to the dependencies and python versions? I had to install a lower vtk package version (9.2.2) because some functions were depreciated in 9.3.0. My versions are:
Python: 3.10.12
pymeshfix: 0.16.3
pymeshlab: 2022.2.post4
pandas: 1.5.3
transformations: 2022.9.26
h5py: 3.7.0
meshio: 5.3.5
scikit-learn: 1.2.1
vtk: 9.2.2
carputils: latest
meshtool: latest
Also, does AugmentA take .vtk files as input or only .vtp? And can I input tetrahedral mesh of the atria?
Thank you.