Hello Axel,
Sure I'm sharing some of the steps I did. I'm trying to run a pseudo-bidomain simulation with a sphere in a block, sphere as the intra domain and block as the extra domain where I'll be having ecg leads. I created those geometries and meshed them using mimics. The block's mesh does not have overlap with the sphere, and their discretization sizes are different (block being more coarse). Then I combined these two mesh files and give sphere domain a tag 1, block domain tag 0 in .elem file. The lon file has 0 0 0 for block domain and random vectors for sphere domain. However, everytime I ran it, the intra domain looks good, but the extra space had exactly the same value at any point. So I would like to seek help from you on fixing this issue. Please let me know if any other information is needed. I really appreciate the help!
My parameter file's setting looks like this:
meshname = pocv3
num_phys_regions = 2
phys_region[0].name = "Extracellular domain"
phys_region[0].ptype = 1
phys_region[0].num_IDs = 2
phys_region[0].ID[0] = 0
phys_region[0].ID[1] = 1
phys_region[1].name = "Intracellular domain"
phys_region[1].ptype = 0
phys_region[1].num_IDs = 1
phys_region[1].ID[0] = 1
#DEFINE ionic models
num_imp_regions = 1
imp_region[0].im = TT2
imp_region[0].name = center
imp_region[0].num_IDs = 1
imp_region[0].ID[0] = 1
#DEFINE conductivity
num_gregions = 1
gregion[0].num_IDs = 1
gregion[0].g_il = 0.174
gregion[0].g_it = 0.174
gregion[0].g_in = 0.174
gregion[0].g_el = 0.625
gregion[0].g_et = 0.625
gregion[0].g_en = 0.625
gregion[0].ID = 1
#gregion[1].num_IDs = 1
#gregion[1].g_bath = 0.7
#gregion[1].ID = 100
num_stim = 1
stimulus[0].stimtype = 0
stimulus[0].strength = 200.0
stimulus[0].duration = 2.0
stimulus[0].start = 0
stimulus[0].vtx_file = stim
floating_ground = 1
tend = 50
parab_solve = 1
dt = 10
spacedt = 1
timedt = 1.0
bidomain = 2
gridout_i = 3
gridout_e = 3
augment_depth = 2000.0
phie_rec_ptf = ecg
dump_ecg_leads = 1