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+1 vote
by (470 points)
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1) hello i was trying to load an external ionic model to the tissue using this in my python script:

    cmd += [ '-num_external_imp', 1,
            '-external_imp[0]', IM_MODULE,
           '-imp_region[0].im', args.model]

where IM_MODULE= /tutorials/02_EP_tissue/ACFtiss/ and

args.model =my_MBRDR

i got this error: 5 : Illegal IM specified: my_MBRDR, so how can i fix it ?

the second warning is:Warning: Legacy stimuli defined. Please consider switching to stimulus definition "stim[]"! is that mean i  should change my -stimulus[0].stimtype  to 3 or 5 to switch the electrode?

2) I would also like to see the vm(t) as a response of my tissue  to the stimuli, but my output file is not vm.dat but vm.igb that i can not open, so i can give an orientation please of how i can do it in opencarp ?

the error message after running:

/usr/local/bin/openCARP \
  -ellip_use_pt 0 \
  -parab_use_pt 0 \
  -parab_options_file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/carputils/resources/petsc_options/ilu_cg_opts \
  -ellip_options_file /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/carputils/resources/petsc_options/amg_cg_opts \
  -num_phys_regions 1 \
  -phys_region[0].name "Intracellular domain" \
  -phys_region[0].ptype 0 \
  -phys_region[0].num_IDs 1 \
  -phys_region[0].ID[0] 1 \
  -simID 2021-09-24_simple_1000_petsc_np1 \
  -meshname meshes/2021-09-23_DUynSYKPxA/block \
  -tend 1000 \
  -num_external_imp 1 \
  -external_imp[0] ./ \
  -imp_region[0].im my_MBRDR \
  -bidomain 0 \
  -spacedt 1 \
  -timedt 1 \
  -parab_solve 1 \
  -num_gregions 1 \
  -gregion[0].num_IDs 1 \
  -gregion[0].ID 1 \
  -gregion[0].g_el 0.5329 \
  -gregion[0].g_et 0.236 \
  -gregion[0].g_il 0.1483 \
  -gregion[0].g_it 0.019 \
  -gregion[0].g_mult 0.5 \
  -num_LATs 2 \
  -lats[0].ID activation \
  -lats[0].all 0 \
  -lats[0].measurand 0 \
  -lats[0].mode 0 \
  -lats[0].threshold -10 \
  -lats[1].ID REPs \
  -lats[1].all 0 \
  -lats[1].measurand 0 \
  -lats[1].mode 1 \
  -lats[1].threshold -70 \
  -num_stim 1 stimulus[0].name S1 \
  -stimulus[0].stimtype 0 \
  -stimulus[0].strength 500.0 \
  -stimulus[0].duration 1.0 \
  -stimulus[0].npls 1 \
  -stimulus[0].bcl 750 \
  -stimulus[0].start 250 \
  -stimulus[0].x0 500.0 \
  -stimulus[0].xd 100 \
  -stimulus[0].y0 0 \
  -stimulus[0].yd 100

L2 : Output directory exists: 2021-09-24_simple_1000_petsc_np1

L5 : external_imp[0] error: absolute paths must be used for .so file loading ('./')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 411, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/carputils/", line 524, in wrapped
    ret = run(args, job)
  File "./", line 350, in run
by (470 points)
so how can i fix this error:  L5 : Illegal IM specified: my_MBRDR, i think i respected this -num_external_imp 1 \
  -external_imp[0] /tutorials/02_EP_tissue/ACFtiss/ \
  -imp_region[0].im my_MBRDR \

and should work but this the L5 type error i got, i am using opencarp installing using a docker

and  L1 : Warning: Legacy stimuli defined. Please consider switching to stimulus definition "stim[]"! means hat i should change my -stimulus[0].stimtype  to 3 or 5?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (3.6k points)

Your definition of the imp_region is not complete. Here is a code snippet that might help you.

imp = ['-num_external_imp',      1,

      '-external_imp',        '/AbsolutePath/To/DynamicModel/'),

      '-num_imp_regions',      1,

      '-imp_region[0].im',      'my_MBRDR',

      '-imp_region[0].num_IDs',   1]


by (470 points)
Thanks jorge i wrote exactly this but i still have warning abd the simulation is not running.

I got this message :    L5 : Illegal IM specified: my_MBRDR

and I wrote exactly this

  C=['-num_external_imp',      1,

      '-external_imp',        '/tutorials/02_EP_tissue/essai/ ',

      '-num_imp_regions',      1,

      '-imp_region[0].im',      'my_MBRDR',

      '-imp_region[0].num_IDs',   1]
by (3.6k points)

It looks like the path to the model is still not correct. Please try with the absolute path to the dynamic model.
by (470 points)
again i was running an GPV model that i modified i try to use this  in the tissue i have got this error L5 : Illegal IM specified: GPVm
Can you plklease help to fix this !

num_external_imp = 1
external_imp=  "/usr/local/lib/opencarp/share/tutorials/essai/figshare/"
num_imp_regions = 1
imp_region[0].name = "LA"
imp_region[0].im = GPVm
imp_region[0].im_param = "AF=1,RA=0"
imp_region[0].im_sv_init = ""
imp_region[0].num_IDs = 1
imp_region[0].ID[0] = 0
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