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+1 vote
by (130 points)
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Hi everyone, 

I was working with the igbapd tool for my project and managed to create an output-file (apd.dat) with calculated APDs. However when I change the "--mode" to 'all' in my code I suddenly don't get any output file anymore, although I didn't change anything in the "--output-file" line (check the following codeblock). The simulation works perfectly fine, It's just that I get all of the values printed in the terminal, but I would like to work with the output file. 

   igbdir = simID + '/vm.igb'

   igbout = '--output-file=' + simID + '/apd.dat'

    cmd    = [ settings.execs.igbapd,










Thanks in advance :)

2 Answers

0 votes
by (3.6k points)
Hi Hana,

For all nodes igbapd won't write an output file. We are checking the function to add this functionality.


0 votes
by (3.6k points)
Hi Hana,

This issue was solved and implemented in openCARP now. Please update your openCARP version to use this update.


by (130 points)
Hi Jorge,

Thank you so much! :)

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