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0 votes
by (230 points)
I am PhD student in Ghent University and I am using openCARP for my
research, I have read the documentation and some of the videos of your
website and I understand that you created Carputils to interact with
the openCARP tools in a more manageable way. But just for educational
purposes I would really appreciate it if somebody could share with me some
BASH scripts showing the direct use of the command line utilities, I
am actually used to working with command line utilities and bash
scripts so it could help to clarify some doubts that I have, of course
I plan to use carputils in the future.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.2k points)

Hi Sirius,

The exact commands to call will depend on your use case. Some examples are provided in the openCARP user manual.

When using carputils, you can also just output the commands that would have been called by using the --dry-run option. As you mentioned, in the end carputils should be the preferred way to automate simulation pipelines.

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