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by (640 points)
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The basic visualization example with meshalyzer does not fully work on my pc. I suspect that the issue is due to the following variable which I do not understand where to change, since it cannot be found on my settings.yaml file:

CARP:              /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/opencarp-docker

In particular the error I get is the following:

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "-buildinfo": executable file not found in \$PATH: unknown.

Furthermore, I do not understand why other examples work even if the docker installation seems to be invoked. As an example I post part of the output of the 01 Basic bench experiment:

docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:380: starting container process caused: exec: "-buildinfo": executable file not found in \$PATH: unknown.

Warning: Error retrieving -buildinfo from openCARP - assuming no mechanics or CUDA






   CARP:              /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/opencarp-docker

   MESHER:            /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/mesher

   BENCH:             /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/bench

   IGBHEAD:           /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/igbhead

   IGBOPS:            /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/igbops

   IGBEXTRACT:        /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/igbextract

   IGBAPD:            /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/igbapd

   SV2H5B:            /home/username/openCARP/external/carputils/bin/

   SV2H5T:            /home/username/openCARP/external/carputils/bin/

   CLOSEST_HC:        /home/username/openCARP/external/carputils/bin/closest_hc

   APDRESTITUTION:    /home/username/openCARP/external/carputils/bin/APDrestitution

   TUNECV:            /home/username/openCARP/external/carputils/bin/tuneCV

   RESTITUTECV:       /home/username/openCARP/external/carputils/bin/restituteCV

   MESHTOOL:          /home/username/openCARP/_build/bin/meshtool

But after this preamble the simulation seems ok.

Thank you in advance

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (640 points)
Ok, I think I found a solution myself. I'll post it here maybe can be useful for someone else. It turned out that CARP is taken from CARP_EXE_DIR in settings.yaml. The setting file is parsed by the .py files in  /openCARP/external/carputils/carputils/settings folder.

When I installed the docker version for some reason I still do not fully understand, an opencarp-docker executable appeared in my _build/bin folder and was interpreted as priority executable to call. In order to stop this behaviour I just typed

chmod -x opencarp-docker

thus the only CARP executable in the folder is now openCARP
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