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by (240 points)

Dear openCARP Community,

I'm trying to run the 2D example of the tutorial: Tuning velocities and anisotropy ratios

with the command: 
./ --velocity 0.6 --converge 1
However, the algorithm does not converge and yields the following output:
No capture or decremental conduction, proximal quarter of tissue not fully activated
Assuming slow conduction velocity of 0.05 m/s in next iteration
Conduction velocity: 0.0500 m/s [gi=0.1740, ge=0.6250, gm=0.1361]
No capture or decremental conduction, proximal quarter of tissue not fully activated
Assuming slow conduction velocity of 0.05 m/s in next iteration
Conduction velocity: 0.0500 m/s [gi=25.0560, ge=90.0000, gm=19.5995]
No capture or decremental conduction, proximal quarter of tissue not fully activated
Assuming slow conduction velocity of 0.05 m/s in next iteration
Conduction velocity: 0.0500 m/s [gi=3608.0640, ge=12960.0000, gm=2822.3279]
No capture or decremental conduction, proximal quarter of tissue not fully activated
Assuming slow conduction velocity of 0.05 m/s in next iteration
Conduction velocity: 0.0500 m/s [gi=519561.2160, ge=1866240.0000, gm=406415.2190]
No capture or decremental conduction, proximal quarter of tissue not fully activated
Assuming slow conduction velocity of 0.05 m/s in next iteration
Conduction velocity: 0.0500 m/s [gi=17759739779626392407939986877688768888832.0000, ge=63792168748658008006992698804750296023040.0000, gm=13892161905214637698280565849529285345280.0000]

Tuning results

Conduction velocity: 0.0500 m/s [gi=2557402528266200119887095833705846814015488.0000, ge=9186072299806751605581899521158699003412480.0000, gm=2000471314350907209582381839642079640158208.0000]
CV tuning not converged with given max_it number of iterations!
Any idea?
I'm using the latest version of openCARP.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.3k points)

The stimulus duration was too short. It is calculated dynamically based on the stimulus strength but I've added a minimum duration of 2ms now: Minimum stimulus time for tuneCV now 2ms

This is available in the master branch

by (240 points)
Now it is working. Is also carputils updated on the deb package for the precompiled version of carp?
by (19.3k points)

Not sure how long this artifact will be available, though.
by (240 points)
Is there a way to force the tutorial to use a 1D domain (a cable), by chance?
by (19.3k points)
The mesh is created as a cable. Length as defined by the input parameter, height and width equal to the resolution (1 element):
by (240 points)
I've seen it. I would like to use  over a mesh with 1 d elements, like the ones generated by;  (the one in the example creates tetrahedral elements).  
Is there a way to force it using these elements? or do I need to modify
by (19.3k points)
No, the current version always uses a block mesh:

You could likely introduce a parameter to switch to a cable [ Cable() instead of mesh.Block() ], I'm not very familiar with the cable elements, though.
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