my file --AP-clamp-files contains the trace of one beat(Vm(t)), but when I use this command (bench --numstim 10 --stim-curr 0 --stim-start 0 --stim-dur 1 --bcl 400 --duration 4000 --AP-clamp-file vm3_imp.txt --dt 0.02 --SV-I-trigger on --load-module ./ --imp-par=RA=0,AF=1,factor_kiCa=0.5, N 0 --read-ini-file '')
only the first beat have the shape of the given beat, the others 9 beats have 2 different shapes(large and short) , i tryed to reapeat the value of Vm(t) ten times in theclamp file and applied it on the cell, i still have AP with different shapes, I mean with alternances instead of having just 10 beats with the same shape, is there anything wrong in my command ?