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by (280 points)


I tried to simulate cardiac electrical propagation with the steps below. I used the code of 22_simple, tried to modify some lines, and ran it. But it always reports a bug:


L4 : Warning: Legacy stimuli and default stimuli are defined. Only default stimuli will be used!

L5 : error: Empty stimulus[0] electrode def! Aborting!


My modification of 22_simple experiment was:

1. modify the meshname to a self-defined 3d cardiac model

2. choose a point in the cardiac model as the stimulus point, and use `stim` to define the box of stimulus.

3. run ``

Could you provide some suggestions about this bug, and how to simulate cardiac electrical propagation? Thank you so much!


1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.2k points)
Without a minimal working example to reproduce the problem, we won't be able to provide much support.
by (280 points)
Thank you for replying! Here are the steps to reproduce the problem. If there is anything else I need to provide, please let me know.

My experiment is based on the 02_tissue/22_simple experiment. I downloaded a vtk cardiac from a recommended website by you and transferred it to a opencarp readable way(files containing .elem, .pts, etc.). Then I modified the `` in 22_simple experiment with:

1. modify the meshname to this 3d cardiac model `meshname=name/of/my/cardiac/model`
2. choose two neighbor points in the cardiac model as the stimulus block, and use stim to define the box of stimulus.

stim = [
        '-stim[0].elec.p0[0]', -62.8687,
        '-stim[0].elec.p0[1]', -19.8587,
        '-stim[0].elec.p0[2]', 33.5442,
        '-stim[0].elec.p1[0]', 62.9376,
        '-stim[0].elec.p1[1]', -18.9636,
        '-stim[0].elec.p1[2]', 33.9297]
3. run ``

Thanks again for your suggestions!
by (19.2k points)
A minimal working example should be executable. The easiest way to generate it is carputils' bundle feature.
by (280 points)
Hi Axel,

Thanks for your reply! I attached the working example through an email and sent it to opencarp developers. Please kindly refer to it. Thanks in advance!

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