Doxygen code documentation for the python framework controlling openCARP
►C_AbstractIonicModel | |
Ccarputils.bundle.parfileadjustment._OCParam | An object of this class represents an OpenCARP parameter |
►Ccarputils.model.general.AbstractModelComponent | Describes an abstract model component |
►Ccarputils.model.general.AbstractPlugin | |
►CAction | |
Ccarputils.figui.ArtistMenu | |
Cbin.update-carp.BCOLORS | A simple color class |
Ccarputils.bullseye.plot.BEPlot | |
Ccarputils.mesh.block.Block | Generate a block mesh with the mesher command line utility |
►Ccarputils.cli.CallbacksMixin | |
Ccarputils.format.Cell | |
Ccarputils.machines.general.ClassPropertyDescriptor | |
►Ccarputils.cml.cmlconverter.CMLConverter | Class defining basic string conversion methods |
Ccarputils.cml.cmltree.CMLDictOperations | Class defining dictionary operations |
Ccarputils.cml.cmltree.CMLNamespace | Class defining a namespace |
►Ccarputils.cml.cmltree.CMLNode | Class defining a simple node object |
►Ccarputils.cml.cmlparser.CMLParser | Class defining a basic parser interface |
►Ccarputils.job.command.Command | Interface that commands should provide |
Ccarputils.tuning.CVtuning | Class for managing CV tuning |
►Ccarputils.dataproc.DataProcessor | |
►Ccarputils.dspace | | | A placeholder stream that simply ignores the write instruction |
Ccarputils.mesh.base.Element | Describes a mesh element |
►Ccarputils.mesh.base.ElementMixinBase | Base class for element mixins, to be subclassed with element storage code |
►CException | |
Ccarputils.figui.FigureUI | |
Cbin.plotTrace.FileDescription | Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv |
Cbin.bin2h5.FileDescription | Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv |
►Ccarputils.carpio.filelike.FileLikeMixin | Implements a file-like mixin that essentially allows self-closing when exiting a "with-block" |
►Ccarputils.cli.GroupAccessMixin | |
Ccarputils.fitting.klotz.KlotzRelation | Represents the EDPVR determined by Klotz from a single volume, pressure measurement |
Cbin.surfextract.ListCreator | |
Cbin.surfextract.ListModifier | |
Ccarputils.carpio.lut.LUTHeader | Describes a LUT file header |
►Ccarputils.mesh.general.Mesh | A generic mesh class the provides the core functionality in 1D and 3D |
►CMesh3D | |
►Ccarputils.model.general.Modifier | Describes a parameter assigment modifier | | A stream that forwards on the write call to other streams |
Ccarputils.job.optionlist.OptionList | Special type which behaves like list but stores some arguments to be kept at end |
Ccarputils.model.general.ParameterSet | Describes a set of parameters that can be generated into a single string |
►Ccarputils.model.general.ParameterSetMixin | A mixin to add a parameter set field to a model component class |
Ccarputils.settings.paths.Path | |
Ccarputils.carpio.quantity.PhysicalQuantity | Provides a class to convert physical quantities from a string to numerical values |
►Ccarputils.machines.general.Platform | Generic platform oject outlying the interface | | |
►Ccarputils.mesh.region.Region | A general region definition |
►Ccarputils.model.general.RegionMixin | A mixin to add region fields to a model component class |
Ccarputils.settings.settings.SettingsModule | |
►Ccarputils.settings.namespace.SettingsNamespace | Settings namespace object |
Ccarputils.model.general.SingleIDRegionMixin | A mixin to add fields for a single-ID region to a model component class |
Ccarputils.settings.solver.SolverOptions | A container class with some convenience methods for setting up openCARP options |
Ccarputils.format.Summary | |
Ccarputils.format.Table | |
►CUserWarning | |
►CArgumentParser |