void restitution_trigger_list(char *r_file, restitution *r, char *protocol, int *n_dop, double **t_dop)
TrgList trigs
trigger list for defining stim sequence
float bcl_dec
decrement in bcl
r_prtcl prtcl
protocol type
enum limpet::_r_protocol r_prtcl
float S2_dec
decrement for S2 beats
TrgList saveState
instants at wich we save state vectors
int n
number of pulses required for protocol
float bcl
basic cycle length
float bcl_end
final basic cycle length
Define multiple ionic models to be used in different regions.
double * lst
store instants of pulse delivery
int beats_per_bcl
number of beats for a particular bcl
float S2_end
bcl of last premature beat
void restitution_save_sv(MULTI_IF *miif, int R1, restitution *r, action_potential *AP)
float S2_start
bcl of first premature beat
float bcl_start
initial basic cycle length
double dur
total duration of protocol
int beats_per_S2
number of beats before S2
bool * pmat
store flag to indicate prematurity
int numppBeats
number of prepaced beats before protocol