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by (190 points)


I am using a monodomain model for cardiac electrophysiology simulation, and trying to recover ECG signals. However, I encountered some problem.

In the tutorial experiments 7, I noticed that the monodomain model can utilize the $\phi_{\rm e}$ recovery technique to obtain extracellular potentials. Does this mean that I only need to place the heart within a torso, adjust its position and angle, obtain the coordinates of the ECG electrode positions on the torso surface, and use this coordinates as parameters for '-phie_rec_ptf'?  In other word, I need not to insert the heart model into the torso model and simulate them together?

If I need to insert the heart model with the torso model for simulation, how should I set the electrophysiological properties of the torso? My current understanding is to assign 'phys_region 'and 'gregion 'properties to both the torso and heart, and only assign 'imp_region 'property to the heart, treating the torso as a volume conductor. Also, setting the positions of the ECG electrode and using them as parameters for '-phie_rec_ptf'. After simulation, post-processing the data to generate the ECG. Is this approach correct?

Thank you!

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)
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Best answer
For Phi_e recovery, you do not even need a torso model. You assume the cardiac tissue to be immersed in a homogeneous infinite volume conductor, thus you only need to specify the location of your virtual point electrode.

The other option is to use a pseudo-bidomain or bidomain approach in which you can consider the bounded (and potentially also heterogeneous) torso. Then your cardiac tissue would contain both the extracellular and the intracellular domain whereas the torso only extracellular. You wouldn't need to recover Phi_e then as it will be computed for every point of your extracellular domain.

See for example this review for additional background:
by (190 points)
Thank you for your response, I believe it has solved my problems!
Additionally, I have another small question and I would appreciate it if you can provide me with some advice. When I use the ”meshtool insert meshdata“ to insert the heart model into a low-resolution torso model, I find that the heart model becomes coarse and the surface is not smooth. May I use other functionalities of "meshtool" or other tools to complete this step?
by (19.2k points)
I'm afraid I can't help on that so maybe it's best to open a new question with a matching title and the meshtool tag
by (190 points)
Thank you very much for the answer.
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