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0 votes
by (630 points)

While it is possible to recover the phi_e on certain nodes (ecg/egm at specified electrodes, dumped in phi_recovery), I was however wondering if it is possible to output the local average of phi_e in a specified region of a certain size. Is something already built in to do this?

Thank you very much!


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.2k points)

When using phi_e recovery, the extracellular potential is only computed (‘recovered‘) for the specified points. If you are interested in characteristics of phi_e for additional points, you either need to add them to the list of nodes or run a pseudo-bidomain (or if desired also bidomain) simulation. The latter will compute phi_e for the entire domain. What‘s computationally more efficient will likely depend on the number of nodes you want phi_e for. For a small number, recovery will be faster. Above a certain number, pseudo-bidomain will be more efficient.

This example gives some more details:

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