When trying to run a bidomain simulation, I get the error mentioned in the title. This is probably connected to the warning that I also get:
L1 : Elliptic lhs matrix is singular!
The weird thing is that on the 1st of October, I was able to finish a bidomain simulation without it crashing and giving me this error. When I redid it on the 3rd of November it crashed (however in a later stadium of the simulation). I checked and the parameter file is almost exactly the same as well as the version of git:
CARP GIT commit hash: c7cd7bb24b74bd94e5e2a0a2adeb644416d89fef .
With almost, I mean that in one case I used 10.0 instead of 10 (int). The monodomain version of the simulation works well. I get this error on another mesh as well so it seems to be not only the problem of one specific mesh.
I tried to look in the source code and figure out what the source of this error is and how to solve it, but got a bit lost in the code.
The question: What causes this error and how can I solve it?
Thanks a lot!