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by (370 points)
Hi everyone,

I am running simulations on HPC and I noticed that when I run with mass_lumping=1 everything is fine, but when I run with mass_lumping=0 the simulation diverges on the very first step (L5 : parabolic PDE (PETSc) solver diverged. Reason: indefinite preconditioning.). When I run the same code on my PC, it works with both mass_lumping on and off.

I installed openCARP on HPC by using Spack.

Do you know where I should look for the issue? I guess it could relate to some solver settings, but I don't know where to start investigating this problem.



1 Answer

0 votes
by (8.5k points)

In my experience these kind of issues originate from bad mesh quality, i.e. collapsed elements.

The parabolic system is more resistant, as it is diagonal dominant (and even more so with mass lumping), but then solvability problems pop up when changing parallel layout or region parameters. One thinks that the issue was introduced by the change in parameters, while it has been present all the time.

To test my hypothesis, I would suggest running "meshtool query quality" on your input mesh, to sanity check it. The max. quality metric should not be over 0.98.

Best wishes, Aurel
by (370 points)
Hi Aurel, thanks for the reply.

The max quality metric is 0.99999.

However, I also noticed the following the dependence on number of cores used:
- mass_lumping = 0, -np = 64 --> diverged at time step 0
- mass_lumping = 0, -np = 32 --> diverged at time step 0
- mass_lumping = 0, -np = 30 --> ok
- mass_lumping = 0, -np = 24 --> ok
- mass_lumping = 0, -np = 16 --> ok

So now I am not sure whether it's a mesh issue or parallerization.
by (8.5k points)
No, its a mesh issue. The quality shows that the mesh has collapsed elements, and the behaviour you describe matches this.

You can let meshtool try to fix the mesh using:

meshtool clean quality -msh MESH -smth 0.18 -thr 0.97 -outmesh OUT_MESH
by (370 points)
What about mesh intersections? Do you think that could also affect it?
by (8.5k points)
Maybe, but I have less experience on failure points when using meshes with self-intersections.

We avoid generating those at all costs, because they are physically incorrect and generate solutions artefacts in addition to any possible convergence issues.
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