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by (160 points)

Hi everyone,

I am trying to run a simulation in OpenCARP using a spherical mesh with volume instead of the typical block. So far, I have followed these steps:

  1. I generated a spherical mesh with volume using MATLAB and exported the .elem, .pts, and .lon files.
  2. I loaded the mesh into OpenCARP and attempted to run the simulation.
  3. However, I encountered an error, and the simulation does not run correctly.

Here is the error message from the output:

NaN detected: gregion[0], element 330: 587 572 585 564 

Volume: -nan, fib: (1, 0, 0), she: (0, 0, 0), G: (0.136108, 0.0175843, 0.0175843)

Below are the configuration files I am using:

- monodomain.par:
# ionic setup

num_imp_regions = 1

imp_region[0].im = LuoRudy91

# electrical setup

num_stim = 1  

stimulus[0].name = "S1"

stimulus[0].stimtype = 0

stimulus[0].strength = 400.0  # Stimulus strength in microamperes

stimulus[0].duration = 2.0

stimulus[0].start = 20.0  # First stimulus starts at 20 ms

bidomain = 0

parab_solve = 1

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

from datetime import date

from carputils import settings

from carputils import tools

from carputils import mesh

from carputils.carpio import txt

import numpy as np

def parser():

    parser = tools.standard_parser()

    group = parser.add_argument_group('experiment specific options')




                       help='Duration of simulation in [ms] (default: 1000.)')



                       default=400.,  # Stimulus strength in microamperes

                       help='Stimulus strength in [uA/cm^2] (default: 400.)')



                       default=2.,  # Stimulus duration in ms

                       help='Stimulus duration in [ms] (default: 2.)')


    return parser

def jobID(args):


    Generate name of top-level output directory.


    today =

    return '{}_monodomain_{}'.format(today.isoformat(), args.duration)

@tools.carpexample(parser, jobID)

def run(args, job):

    # Generate mesh

    meshname = 'sphere'

    # Query for element labels

    _, etags, _ = + '.elem')

    etags = np.unique(etags)

    IntraTags = etags[etags != 0].tolist()

    ExtraTags = etags.tolist().copy()

    # Calculate number of stimuli

    num_stim = int((args.duration - 20) / 500) + 1  # Includes initial stimulus at 20 ms

    # Create stimulus settings

    stim = ['-num_stim', num_stim]

    for i in range(num_stim):

        stim += [

            f'-stimulus[{i}].name', 'S1',

            f'-stimulus[{i}].stimtype', 0,

            f'-stimulus[{i}].strength', args.S1_strength,

            f'-stimulus[{i}].duration', args.S1_dur,

            f'-stimulus[{i}].start', 20 + i * 500  # Stimulus every 500 ms starting at 20 ms


    # Generate CARP command

    cmd = tools.carp_cmd(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'monodomain.par'))

    cmd += ['-simID', job.ID,

            '-meshname', meshname,

            '-dt', 5,

            '-tend', args.duration]

    cmd += tools.gen_physics_opts(ExtraTags=ExtraTags, IntraTags=IntraTags)

    cmd += stim 

    if args.visualize:

        cmd += ['-gridout_i', 3, '-gridout_e', 3, '-spacedt', 0.1]

    # Run simulation


    # Visualization (optional)

    if args.visualize and not settings.platform.BATCH:

        geom = os.path.join(job.ID, os.path.basename(meshname) + '_i')

        data = os.path.join(job.ID, 'vm.igb.gz')

        view = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'view_vm.mshz')

        job.meshalyzer(geom, data, view)

if __name__ == '__main__':


I have checked the OpenCARP documentation and examples, but I haven't found any that use a spherical mesh instead of a block.


  1. Has anyone successfully run a simulation on a volumetric spherical mesh?
  2. Is there an example in OpenCARP that uses a sphere instead of a block?

Any advice or references would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by (300 points)

The error you are getting suggests that your mesh contains bad elements. In this case it points out that element 330 has no volume. You need to fix the mesh before anything else.

Regarding your questions, there is currently no example on the homepage that simulates on a sphere, since the built in meshing tool can only create spherical tag regions but no spherical mesh. But in general, it should not make a difference in terms of running a simulation on a block or a sphere as long as you provide a correct mesh and boundary conditions. With regards to the boundary conditions, I refer you to my answer to your previous thread, since you do not appear to have made those changes yet.


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