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by (180 points)
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I'm trying to run a simulation using openCARP with a spherical mesh. However, when I execute the script, I encounter the following error:

*** Unrecognized keyword elems

*** Error reading parameters

Here is the relevant part of my code:

def run(args, job):

    # Mesh configuration

    meshname = "sphere"  # Mesh name

    nodes = "sphere.pts"  # Nodes file

    elems = "sphere.elem"  # Elements file

    # Read mesh element tags

    _, etags, _ =

    etags = np.unique(etags)

    IntraTags = etags[etags != 0].tolist()

    ExtraTags = etags.tolist().copy()

    # Configure periodic stimuli

    num_stim = int((args.duration - 20) / 500) + 1  

    stim = ['-num_stim', num_stim]

    for i in range(num_stim):

        stim += [

            f'-stimulus[{i}].name', 'S1',

            f'-stimulus[{i}].stimtype', 0,

            f'-stimulus[{i}].strength', args.S1_strength,

            f'-stimulus[{i}].duration', args.S1_dur,

            f'-stimulus[{i}].start', 20 + i * 500  


    # Apply stimulus to the spherical surface

    stim += [

        '-stimulus[0].topo', 'sphere_surface',  # Sphere surface

        '-stimulus[0].type', 0,  # Stimulus type (current)

        '-stimulus[0].inside', 1  # Internal or external



    # Generate the CARP command

    cmd = tools.carp_cmd(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'monodomain.par'))

    cmd += ['-simID', job.ID,

            '-meshname', meshname,

            '-nodes', nodes,

            '-elems', elems,  # This is the parameter causing the error

            '-dt', 5,

            '-tend', args.duration]

    cmd += tools.gen_physics_opts(ExtraTags=ExtraTags, IntraTags=IntraTags)

    cmd += stim

    # Visualization option

    if args.visualize:

        cmd += ['-gridout_i', 3, '-gridout_e', 3, '-spacedt', 0.1]

    # Run the simulation


    # Visualize results

    if args.visualize and not settings.platform.BATCH:

        geom = os.path.join(job.ID, os.path.basename(meshname) + '_i')

        data = os.path.join(job.ID, 'vm.igb.gz')

        view = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'view_vm.mshz')

        job.meshalyzer(geom, data, view)

I have verified the following:

  • The sphere.elem file is present and contains the expected element data in the correct format.
  • The paths to the sphere.pts and sphere.elem files are correct and accessible.
  • The monodomain.par file is properly configured with no obvious errors.

Has anyone encountered this issue before or knows what might be causing this error?

Thanks in advance for your help!

1 Answer

0 votes
by (300 points)

you get this error, since there is no such parameter as -elems in openCARP. The same goes for the parameter -nodes.

In openCARP it is sufficient to supply the parameter -meshname with the base name of your mesh files. In your case -meshname sphere. Then, the files sphere.pts, sphere.elem and sphere.lon should be present in the path of you simulation. I don't spot any other obvious errors right now, so the simulation should start if you make those adaptations to your script.


by (180 points)

Hello Tobias,

I made some modifications to my code, but I'm still encountering an issue when trying to run the simulation using my spherical mesh. Below is the updated code, and the error I get is:

*** Unrecognized keyword -boundary[0].name

*** Error reading parameters

Modified code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from datetime import date
from carputils import settings
from carputils import tools
from carputils.carpio import txt
import numpy as np
def parser():
    parser = tools.standard_parser()
    group = parser.add_argument_group('experiment specific options')
                       help='Duration of simulation in [ms] (default: 1000.)')
                       help='Stimulus strength in [uA/cm^2] (default: 400.)')
                       help='Stimulus duration in [ms] (default: 2.)')
    return parser
def jobID(args):
    today =
    return '{}_monodomain_{}'.format(today.isoformat(), args.duration)
def sphere_boundary_condition(nodes, center, radius, label):
    Generates a boundary condition for a spherical surface.
        nodes: np.array with the coordinates of the mesh nodes.
        center: Center of the sphere [x, y, z].
        radius: Radius of the sphere.
        label: Label for the boundary condition.
        List of commands to define the boundary condition.
    boundary_nodes = []
    for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
        dist = np.linalg.norm(node - np.array(center))
        if np.isclose(dist, radius, atol=1e-3):  # Tolerance to find the surface
    condition = []
    for i, node_id in enumerate(boundary_nodes):
        condition += [
            f'-boundary[{i}].name', label,
            f'-boundary[{i}].type', 1,  # Type 1: Stimulus
            f'-boundary[{i}].nodes', node_id
    return condition
@tools.carpexample(parser, jobID)
def run(args, job):
    # Mesh setup
    meshname = "sphere"  # Mesh name
    nodes = np.loadtxt(meshname + ".pts", skiprows=1)  # Read mesh nodes ignoring the first row
    _, etags, _ = + '.elem')
    etags = np.unique(etags)
    IntraTags = etags[etags != 0].tolist()
    ExtraTags = etags.tolist().copy()
    # Sphere parameters
    center = [0, 0, 0]  # Center of the sphere
    radius = 1.0        # Radius of the sphere
    # Generate the boundary condition for the spherical surface
    electrode = sphere_boundary_condition(nodes, center, radius, 'stimulus')
    # Calculate number of stimuli
    num_stim = int((args.duration - 20) / 500) + 1  # Includes the initial stimulus at 20 ms
    # Create stimulus configuration
    stim = ['-num_stim', num_stim]
    for i in range(num_stim):
        stim += [
            f'-stimulus[{i}].name', 'S1',
            f'-stimulus[{i}].stimtype', 0,
            f'-stimulus[{i}].strength', args.S1_strength,
            f'-stimulus[{i}].duration', args.S1_dur,
            f'-stimulus[{i}].start', 20 + i * 500  # Stimulus every 500 ms starting from 20 ms
    # Generate CARP command
    cmd = tools.carp_cmd(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'monodomain.par'))
    cmd += ['-simID', job.ID,
            '-meshname', meshname,
            '-dt', 5,
            '-tend', args.duration]
    cmd += tools.gen_physics_opts(ExtraTags=ExtraTags, IntraTags=IntraTags)
    cmd += stim + electrode
    if args.visualize:
        cmd += ['-gridout_i', 3, '-gridout_e', 3, '-spacedt', 0.1]
    # Run simulation
if __name__ == '__main__':

It seems like the -boundary[0].name keyword is unrecognized by OpenCARP. I've tried different ways of specifying the boundary condition, but I still get this error. I believe it might be related to how I am defining the boundary conditions for the spherical surface.

Could you suggest what might be wrong with the boundary condition syntax, or if there is a better way to define the boundary for a spherical mesh in OpenCARP?

Thanks again for your help 

by (300 points)


you are right that the parameter -boundary does not exist. I am not really sure what you intend to do with the function sphere_boundary_condition,  but all the parameters you set there do not exist. 

The part where you define the stimulus is missing some information as well. First, I would suggest to switch to the new "stim" parameter, since "stimulus" is deprecated. According to your script, the following should be what you are looking for:

stim[0].name = S1
stim[0].crct.type = 0
stim[0].ptcl.start = 20
stim[0].ptcl.duration = args.S1_dur
stim[0].ptcl.bcl = 500
stim[0].pulse.strength = args.S1_strength

The only thing left is to set the electrode geometry. You can do this using the stim.elec parameter. Either you define it using a vertex file (stim.elec.vtx_file) or you define it using stim.elec.geom_type and its associated parameters. Please study the user manual of openCARP or use the website to learn about the parameter settings. The above notation is for the direct use in the parameter file. Adapt for carputils/python accordingly.

If anything is unclear, feel free to ask again!

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