Hi, I have some questions regarding the parameter description of the different axes (l/n/t) for the extra-/intracellular conductivities.
As far as I understand, the local coordinate system is defined by a fiber direction, sheet direction, and the cross product between these two (sheet normal).
Why is the definition according to the parameter documentation for g_in: "Defines the intracellular conductivity in the local sheet direction" should this be the local sheet normal direction?
Also for the g_it parameter which should be "i.e. perpendicular to the longitudinal fiber 'g_il' and local sheet 'g_it' direction." it looks like a copy-paste error because g_it can't be perpendicular to itself.
As far as I understand it it should be:
fiber direction = g_il
sheet direction = g_it
(sheet) normal = g_in
Or am I missing something?
As a general question: Should the sheet vector in the .lon file point parallel to/along the tissue surface or perpendicular to it?