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0 votes
by (140 points)
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Hi there,

I am trying to perform a Laplace solve with nodal boundary conditions specified (different Dirichlet values on each node). I have used the parameters specified in the tutorial but the solution I get is simply whatever I put as the stimulus strength across the whole mesh. The files work ok in carpentry, but I'm not sure what I need to change for openCARP. I noticed in the user manual, vertex adjustment files have the extension .adj but I am using .vtx here.

I wondered whether there is an example using vertex adjustment that I can compare to to figure out where I'm going wrong, or if you have any suggestions?

Thanks very much for your help,

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (8.1k points)

openCARP currently does not support node-wise dirichlet values. Sorry for the confusion regarding the wrong tutorial! I will think about how to add this feature.

Best wishes, Aurel
by (140 points)
Thanks very much Aurel!
+1 vote
by (8.1k points)


I just pushed the 3.0 release into the build pipeline. The new release supports the stimululs[].vtx_fcn option to set up spatially heterogenous stimulus strengths.

Normally the new release will be available for download in a few of hours.

Best wishes, Aurel

by (140 points)
That's brilliant, thanks so much for adding this in!
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