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by (350 points)


I am running the 02_EP_tissue/03B_study_prep_init example with carputils. The cells are stimulated, and then they start repolarizing - which is fine. My issue is, when the stimulus gets to the end of the mesh, it starts coming back and re-stimulating the cells that already repolarized right before the next stimulus comes. Is there a way I can change this so the stimulus "ends" in the end of the mesh and doesn't come back? Would altering the relative refractory period help? (if so, how to control it?)

In this same code, I also didn't quite understand what tag=100 means, even after looking at the openCARP parameters section. Could somebody help me with this, please?

Thanks in advance :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1.3k points)
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Best answer
Hi Maria,

I think you are getting misled by the visualization option 'auto'. The wave is not returning but you have activated the option 'auto' which automatically scales the colormap to the min and max of the current time-frame, this gives then the effect of a reflecting wave. If you untick that box (you can find it on the GUI at the same height as the min and max for the color levels) and set an appropriate min and max levels (let's say -87 to +35) you will see only one wave.


by (1.3k points)
BTW, regarding the tag. Tag= 100 because if you look at the meshes files, in particular the block.elem ) you will see that each line ends with 100, which indicates that each element has a tag of 100. This is arbitrary and indicates that all elements are the same type. If you create your mesh differently you can put whatever tag you would like or have different elements tagged differently so that they have different properties later.
by (350 points)
Thank you very much, it all makes sense now!
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