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by (460 points)

While running the example

python3 --np 2 --protocol prepace --prepace_bcl 500 --prebeats 4 --visualize

I received an error while it is trying to visualize using meshalyzer (open the file vm_last_beat.igb)

libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type int

/Users/meshalyzer/meshalyzer failed with error code -6

I also tried to open the file manually buy opening Meshalyzer and open the file it self, yet because this is an igb file, it is not allowed for me to open it directly from Meshalyzer, only pts files are allowed. Is there anyway to fix this? Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.1k points)
In the calling directory a subfolder should be created for each job. In this folder, there should be the mesh files starting with block_i* including the .pts file.

Once you loaded this one, you can load the .igb file as data file.
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