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by (300 points)

For some reason, when running this tutorial with the --visualize flag, it tries to run some meshalyzer within /usr/local/meshalyzer instead of running my meshalyzer.AppImage file. I tried moving the AppImage to that path but it still didn't run. Any advice is appreciated, thank you! 

1 Answer

0 votes
by (3.4k points)

Did you try to rename "meshalyzer.AppImage" to "meshalyzer"?

I guess the problem could be that carputils looks for an executable called "meshalyzer" exactly.
by (3.4k points)
By the way, you can specify the path to the meshalyzer executable in your carputils settings file (often located at $HOME/.config/carputils/settings.yaml), by modifying the variable MESHALYZER_DIR.
by (300 points)
Hi thanks for the help, unfortunately it didn't work, i've tried adjusting my settings.yaml a couple of times. Im using WSL so if anyone else has gotten that to work I'd love to talk to them-
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