Finally I got back to this and I did some experiments.
First of all, I saw the other question raised in the Q&A regarding this, where the depolarization halted when propagating from a Line (Ln elems) to a Cuboid (Tt elems) (
https://opencarp.org/q2a/1124/the-problem-of-excitation-conduction-from-line-to-cuboid) I replicated the results obtained in this question, so I was able to propagate from a line to a cuboid but the cuboid had to be really small and made by just a few Tt elems.
I will try to summarize the results I obtained testing on this simple line+cuboid and on a more realistic conduction system + myocardium domain:
1- Tentusscher cellular model for line and cuboid (same result with DrouhardRoberge)
stim_amp = 120 uA/cm2 (on two nodes in the beginining of the line)
cuboid size = 5um
cuboid resolution = 5um
line size = 300um
line resolution = 50um
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude matching in line and cuboid (same result with transversal isotropy)
one extra Ln elem for connection between line a cuboid
2- Tentusscher cellular model for line and cuboid (same result with DrouhardRoberge)
stim_amp = 120/250 uA/cm2
cuboid size = 10um
cuboid resolution = 5um
line size = 300um
line resolution = 50um
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude matching in line and cuboid (same results with transverse isotropy)
one extra Ln elem for connection between line a cuboid
3- Tentusscher cellular model for cuboid and Stewart for Line
stim_amp = 250 uA/cm2
cuboid size = 10um
cuboid resolution = 5um
line size = 300um
line resolution = 50um
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude matching in line and cuboid
one extra Ln elem for connection between line a cuboid
4- Tentusscher cellular model for cuboid and Stewart for Line
stim_amp = 250 uA/cm2
cuboid size = 50um
cuboid resolution = 5um
line size = 300um
line resolution = 50um
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude matching in line and cuboid (same results for isotropic conductivities 10 and 100 times higher for the line with respect to the cuboid)
one extra Ln elem for connection between line a cuboid (same results for increased number of connections between the line and the cuboid)
Then, as conduction seems to block in such a tiny cuboid (50um side). I tried Edward's suggestion. Basically, I created a simplified but more realistic domain (
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QRuAPNNGU4mxzrU4MN7QArozgiVjBo6U/view?usp=sharing) consisting the conduction system (CS) and a finer apex-like myocardium mesh. Here, I branched the CS in order to have high density of pmjs (see image). The results are:
5- Tentusscher cellular model for Myo and Stewart for CS
stim_amp = 250 uA/cm2 on the tip of the CS
myo resolution = 320um mean edge length
CS resolution = 200um mean edge length
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude = 0.24, myo_g_mult = 0.01 and CS_g_mult = 10
Endnodes of the CS are connected to nodes in the myocardium if they are located as near as 1 mm.
6- Tentusscher cellular model for Myo and Stewart for CS
stim_amp = 250 uA/cm2
myo resolution = 320um mean edge length
CS resolution = 200um mean edge length
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude = 0.24, myo_g_mult = 0.1 and CS_g_mult = 300
Endnodes of the CS are connected to nodes in the myocardium if they are located as near as 1 mm.
7- Tentusscher cellular model for Myo and Stewart for CS
stim_amp = 250 uA/cm2
myo resolution = 320um mean edge length
CS resolution = 200um mean edge length
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude = 0.24, myo_g_mult = 0.01 and CS_g_mult = 300
Endnodes of the CS are connected to nodes in the myocardium if they are located as near as 0.09 mm (CS end node connected with only one myocardial node).
Then, as I read the comment from Axel (
https://opencarp.org/q2a/1124/the-problem-of-excitation-conduction-from-line-to-cuboid) and the paper he referred, I applied a conductivity gradient in the endbranches of the CS similarly to Dux-Santoy et al, "Modeling the different sections of the cardiac conduction system to obtain realistic electrocardiograms" (see Figure showing the elem tags of the domain
8- Tentusscher cellular model for Myo and Stewart for CS
stim_amp = 250 uA/cm2
myo resolution = 320um mean edge length
CS resolution = 200um mean edge length
conductivity: isotropic in all domain and magnitude varied from 2.4 in the CS to 0.24 in myo. The gradient was applied in the CS endbranches as mentioned.
Endnodes of the CS are connected to nodes in the myocardium if they are located as near as 1 mm.
As summary, I only could obtain actual propagation of the depolarization when the myocardium/cuboid was extremely small. This does not seem realistic for me, so if you have any suggestion on what can I be doing wrong or what else to try I will try to solve this.
Thank you in advanced for yor feedback :D