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0 votes
by (180 points)

Is there yet a way to scale conductivities anisotropically on a per-element basis using the gi_scale_vec input? I was thinking a numelem x 3 .dat file with a conductivity scale for each element for each direction. Such a concept is mentioned in this question, and Aurel mentioned that such an addition would be feasible.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.1k points)

No, currently this is not possible.

To integrate this feature, it'll be best to open a Feature Request issue to discuss and coordinate this effort there between you, any contributor and potentially a core developer:

After a quick look, the input file reading is triggered here:

the actual reading is done by this function:

Options could be to either read 3 values per element (gi_l, gi_t, gi_n) or to have one file per conductivity direction.

In the latter case, new input parameters would need to be added to

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