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by (160 points)
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I have seen all the previous posts but my problem is not addressed. I am trying to run a simulation in openCARP. Here are a few scenarios:

1) Create a geom with mesh.Block() and then specify stim and electrodes, it works

2) Create a geom with mesh.Block() and then specify stim as stim.vtx, it works

3) Load external mesh and then solve Laplace with stimtype = 1, it works

4) Load external mesh and specify stim as stim.vtx, get the following error:

L5 : parabolic PDE (PETSc) solver diverged. Reason: iterations exceeded.

Please note that this is the same error with at least a few different external meshes and irrespective of the choice of number of nodes in stim.vtx.Whenever I build the geom in the script with mesh.Block(), simulation always works.

Clearly I am not doing something right, would appreciate if someone could explain why this would be the case..

Thanks and regards


PS> Here is my typical example. In the same folder, I have mymesh.pts, mymesh.elem and mymesh.lon alongwith stim.vtx

meshname = "mymesh"

and my stimulus parameters are:

num_stim                 = 1
stim[0].crct.type        = 0
stim[0].pulse.strength   = 100.0
stim[0].ptcl.duration    = 1.0
stim[0].ptcl.start       = 0.0
stim[0].ptcl.npls        = 1
stim[0].elec.vtx_file    = "stim.vtx"



closed with the note: There was an inconsistency in the generation of the mesh. The coordinates of points in the .pts needed to be scaled to microns (as required) and after that it is working satisfactorily.
by (19.2k points)
Good to hear!
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