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0 votes
by (190 points)
Dear Colleagues,

    I have just installed openCARP on a linux cluster.

    I am trying tu run the first example.

    I get the error below.

    Could you please tell me what is wrong with installation?

    Thank you.

    With best regards,


-bash-4.2$ ./ --help
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 557, in <module>
  File "/home/users/simone.scacchi/iSCAR/openCARP/external/carputils/carputils/", line 439, in wrapped
    prs = parser()
  File "./", line 359, in parser
    parser = tools.standard_parser()
  File "/home/users/simone.scacchi/iSCAR/openCARP/external/carputils/carputils/", line 165, in standard_parser
    builds = tuple(settings.config.CARP_EXE_DIR.keys())
  File "/home/users/simone.scacchi/iSCAR/openCARP/external/carputils/carputils/settings/", line 48, in config
    self._config = config.load()
  File "/home/users/simone.scacchi/iSCAR/openCARP/external/carputils/carputils/settings/", line 171, in load
    fname = filename()
  File "/home/users/simone.scacchi/iSCAR/openCARP/external/carputils/carputils/settings/", line 119, in filename
    msg = NOSETTINGS_TEMPLATE.format('\n    - '.join(candidates))
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, NoneType found

1 Answer

0 votes
by (8.0k points)
Hi! Could you please post your carputils settings.yaml file?
asked May 20, 2021 by (190 points) where is settings.yaml?
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