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0 votes
by (260 points)

I was wondering if any of the models coded up already in openCARP contained a beta-adrenergic signaling pathway. For my project, I need to use a beta-adrenergic model (preferably GPB with the beta-adrenergic signaling added). However, when I tried to add in the beta-adrenergic pathway, it is becoming incredibly difficult as openCARP does not seem to support matrices which makes building the beta-adrenergic signaling rather difficult. Let me know if any of the models have the signaling or if there is way to implement matrix data structures in openCARP.



1 Answer

0 votes
by (3.6k points)

Hi Sushruth,

openCARP offers the functionality to alter parameters of the available ionic models via parameters. I suggest you to have a look in the EP heterogeneity example and also in the EasyML to C++ code to see how the model files are defined in openCARP.



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