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by (180 points)

I have some difficulties with Kernik model generated from the .cellml file (source: «A computational model of induced pluripotent stem-cell derived cardiomyocytes incorporating experimental variability from multiple data sources»). File .model is generated on the openCARP v12.0.

The resulting action potential does not similar to the shape of potential in the research paper. Also, the excitation does not propagate beyond the stimulation area on a 2d or 3d object (regardless of the strength of the stimulation or conductivities).

Could you tell me what the mistake might be?

The kernik_2019.model is attached below

#generated from: kernik_2019.cellml

V; .external(Vm); .nodal();

Iion; .external(); .nodal();

 # Constants

Cm = 60.0;

#(There are constants here, they are missing due to message size restrictions.)

 # Initial values


V_init = -7.55966016388546791e+01;


V_tot_tenT = (Vc_tenT+VSR_tenT);

Vc = (V_tot*(Vc_tenT/V_tot_tenT));

V_SR = (V_tot*(VSR_tenT/V_tot_tenT));



E_Ca = 0.5*RTF*log(Cao/Cai);

E_K = RTF*log(Ko/Ki);

E_Na = RTF*log(Nao/Nai);



diff_Nai = (-Cm/(F*Vc))*(i_Na+i_b_Na+i_fNa+3.0*i_NaK+3.0*i_NaCa+i_CaL_Na);



diff_Ca_SR = (((Ca_SR_bufSR*Vc)/V_SR)*(i_up - i_rel - i_leak));

Ca_SR_bufSR = (1.0/(1.0+((Buf_SR*Kbuf_SR)/pow((Ca_SR+Kbuf_SR),2.0))));




g_b_Ca = (0.000592*0.62);

i_b_Ca = (g_b_Ca*(V - E_Ca));



g_b_Na = (0.00029*1.5);

i_b_Na = (g_b_Na*(V - E_Na));



Cai_bufc = 1.0/(1.0+(Buf_C*Kbuf_C)/pow((Cai+Kbuf_C),2.0));

diff_Cai = Cai_bufc*(-i_up+i_leak+i_rel - (Cm/(2.0*Vc*F))*(i_CaL_Ca+i_CaT+i_b_Ca+i_PCa - 2.0*i_NaCa));



d3 = (d5*d1);

d4 = (1.0/((1.0/d2)+(1.0/d6)));

alpha_ical_d = (d1*exp((V/d2)));

beta_ical_d= (d3*exp((V/d4)));

ical_d_inf = (alpha_ical_d/(alpha_ical_d+beta_ical_d));

tau_ical_d = ((1.0/(alpha_ical_d+beta_ical_d))+taud_const);

diff_d = ((ical_d_inf - d)/tau_ical_d);


f3 = (f5*f1);

f4 = (1.0/((1.0/f2)+(1.0/f6)));

alpha_ical_f = (f1*exp((V/f2)));

beta_ical_f = (f3*exp((V/f4)));

ical_f_inf = (alpha_ical_f/(alpha_ical_f+beta_ical_f));

tau_ical_f = ((1.0/(alpha_ical_f+beta_ical_f))+tauf_const);

diff_f = ((ical_f_inf - f)/tau_ical_f);


i_cai_fCa_gate_alpha_fCa = (1.0/(1.0+pow(((scale*Cai)/0.000325),8.0)));

i_cai_fCa_gate_beta_fCa = (0.1/(1.0+exp((((scale*Cai) - 0.0005)/0.0001))));

i_cai_fCa_gate_gamma_fCa = (0.2/(1.0+exp((((scale*Cai) - 0.00075)/0.0008))));

fCa_inf = ((i_cai_fCa_gate_alpha_fCa+i_cai_fCa_gate_beta_fCa+i_cai_fCa_gate_gamma_fCa+0.23)/1.46);

tau_fCa= 2;

k_fca = ((fCa_inf>fCa and V>-60.0) ? 0.0 : 1.0);

diff_fCa = (k_fca * ( fCa_inf - fCa ) / tau_fCa);


i_CaL = (i_CaL_Ca+i_CaL_Na+i_CaL_K);

i_CaL_Ca = (ibarca*d*f*fCa);

i_CaL_K = (ibark*d*f*fCa);

i_CaL_Na = (ibarna*d*f*fCa);

ibarca = (((p_CaL_Ca*4.0*V*FFRT)*(((0.341*Cai)*exp(((2.0*V)*FRT))) - (0.341*Cao)))/(exp(((2.0*V)*FRT)) - 1.0));

ibark = (((p_CaL_K*V*FFRT)*(((0.75*Ki)*exp((V*FRT))) - (0.75*Ko)))/(exp((V*FRT)) - 1.0));

ibarna = (((p_CaL_Na*V*FFRT)*(((0.75*Nai)*exp((V*FRT))) - (0.75*Nao)))/(exp((V*FRT)) - 1.0));


p_CaL_Ca = (p_CaL_shannonCap*p_CaL);

p_CaL_K = (p_CaL_shannonKp*p_CaL);

p_CaL_Na = (p_CaL_shannonNap*p_CaL);

p_CaL_shannonCap = (p_CaL_shannonCa/p_CaL_shannonTot);

p_CaL_shannonKp = (p_CaL_shannonK/p_CaL_shannonTot);

p_CaL_shannonNap = (p_CaL_shannonNa/p_CaL_shannonTot);

p_CaL_shannonTot = ((p_CaL_shannonCa+p_CaL_shannonNa)+p_CaL_shannonK);



d_cat_inf = (1.0/(1.0+exp(((V+26.3)/-6.0))));

tau_d_cat = (1.0/((1.068*exp(((V+26.3)/30.0)))+(1.068*exp(((V+26.3)/-30.0)))));

diff_d_cat = ((d_cat_inf - d_cat)/tau_d_cat);

f_cat_inf = (1.0/(1.0+exp(((V+61.7)/5.6))));

tau_f_cat = (1.0/((0.0153*exp((-(V+61.7)/83.3)))+(0.015*exp(((V+61.7)/15.38)))));

diff_f_cat = ((f_cat_inf - f_cat)/tau_f_cat);


i_CaT = ((g_CaT*d_cat*f_cat)*(V - E_Ca));



xF3 = (xF5*xF1);

xF4 = (1.0/((1.0/xF2)+(1.0/xF6)));

alpha_ifunny_Xf = (xF1*exp((V/xF2)));

beta_ifunny_Xf = (xF3*exp((V/xF4)));

ifunny_Xf_inf = (alpha_ifunny_Xf/(alpha_ifunny_Xf+beta_ifunny_Xf));

tau_ifunny_Xf = ((1.0/(alpha_ifunny_Xf+beta_ifunny_Xf))+xF_const);

diff_Xf = ((ifunny_Xf_inf - Xf)/tau_ifunny_Xf);


Na_frac = (NatoK_ratio/(NatoK_ratio+1.0));


i_fNa = (((Na_frac*g_f)*Xf)*(V - E_Na));

i_fK = ((((1.0 - Na_frac)*g_f)*Xf)*(V - E_K));

i_f = (i_fNa+i_fK);



alpha_xK1 = (xK11*exp(((V+xK13)/xK12)));

beta_xK1 = (1.0*exp(((V+xK15)/xK14)));


xK1_inf = (alpha_xK1/(alpha_xK1+beta_xK1));

i_K1 = ((g_K1*sqrt(Ko/5.4)*xK1_inf)*(V - E_K));



Xr1_3 = (Xr1_5*Xr1_1);

Xr2_3 = (Xr2_5*Xr2_1);

Xr1_4 = (1.0/((1.0/Xr1_2)+(1.0/Xr1_6)));

Xr2_4 = (1.0/((1.0/Xr2_2)+(1.0/Xr2_6)));


alpha_ikr_Xr1 = (Xr1_1*exp((V/Xr1_2)));

beta_ikr_Xr1 = (Xr1_3*exp((V/Xr1_4)));

ikr_Xr1_inf = (alpha_ikr_Xr1/(alpha_ikr_Xr1+beta_ikr_Xr1));

tau_ikr_Xr1 = ((1.0/(alpha_ikr_Xr1+beta_ikr_Xr1))+tau_1_offset);


diff_Xr1 = ((ikr_Xr1_inf - Xr1)/tau_ikr_Xr1);


alpha_ikr_Xr2 = (Xr2_1*exp((V/Xr2_2)));

beta_ikr_Xr2 = (Xr2_3*exp((V/Xr2_4)));

ikr_Xr2_inf = (alpha_ikr_Xr2/(alpha_ikr_Xr2+beta_ikr_Xr2));

tau_ikr_Xr2 = ((1.0/(alpha_ikr_Xr2+beta_ikr_Xr2))+tau_2_offset);


diff_Xr2 = ((ikr_Xr2_inf - Xr2)/tau_ikr_Xr2);


i_Kr = ((g_Kr*sqrt(Ko/5.4)*Xr1*Xr2)*(V - E_K));



ks3 = (ks5*ks1);

ks4 = (1.0/((1.0/ks2)+(1.0/ks6)));


alpha_iks_Xs = (ks1*exp((V/ks2)));

beta_iks_Xs = (ks3*exp((V/ks4)));

iks_Xs_inf = (alpha_iks_Xs/(alpha_iks_Xs+beta_iks_Xs));

tau_iks_Xs = ((1.0/(alpha_iks_Xs+beta_iks_Xs))+tauks_const);


diff_Xs = ((iks_Xs_inf - Xs)/tau_iks_Xs);

i_Ks = ((g_Ks*pow(Xs,2.0))*(V - E_K));



i_leak = ((Ca_SR - Cai)*V_leak);



m3 = (m5*m1);

m4 = (1.0/((1.0/m2)+(1.0/m6)));

h3 = (h5*h1);

h4 = (1.0/((1.0/h2)+(1.0/h6)));

j5 = h5;

j6 = h6;

j3 = (j5*j1);

j4 = (1.0/((1.0/j2)+(1.0/j6)));


alpha_ina_h = (h1*exp((V/h2)));

beta_ina_h = (h3*exp((V/h4)));

ina_h_inf = (alpha_ina_h/(alpha_ina_h+beta_ina_h));

tau_ina_h = ((1.0/(alpha_ina_h+beta_ina_h))+tau_h_const);


alpha_ina_j = (j1*exp((V/j2)));

beta_ina_j = (j3*exp((V/j4)));

ina_j_inf = (alpha_ina_j/(alpha_ina_j+beta_ina_j));

tau_ina_j = ((1.0/(alpha_ina_j+beta_ina_j))+tau_j_const);


alpha_ina_m = (m1*exp((V/m2)));

beta_ina_m = (m3*exp((V/m4)));

 ina_m_inf = (alpha_ina_m/(alpha_ina_m+beta_ina_m));

tau_ina_m = ((1.0/(alpha_ina_m+beta_ina_m))+tau_m_const);


diff_h = ((ina_h_inf - h)/tau_ina_h);

diff_j = ((ina_j_inf - j)/tau_ina_j);

diff_m = ((ina_m_inf - m)/tau_ina_m);


i_Na = (g_Na*m*m*m*h*j)*(V - E_Na);



i_NaCa = ((kNaCa*(((exp(gamma*V*FRT)*pow(Nai,3.0))*Cao) - (((exp((((gamma - 1.0)*V)*FRT))*pow(Nao,3.0))*Cai)*alpha)))/(((pow(KmNai,3.0)+pow(Nao,3.0))*(KmCa+Cao))*(1.0+(Ksat*exp((((gamma - 1.0)*V)*FRT))))));



i_NaK = ((PNaK*Ko*Nai)/(((Ko+Km_K)*(Nai+Km_Na))*((1.0+(0.1245*exp(((-0.1*V)*FRT))))+(0.0353*exp((-V*FRT))))));



g_PCa = (0.025*10.5);

KPCa = 0.0005;

i_PCa = ((g_PCa*Cai)/(Cai+KPCa));



diff_R = ((kim*RI - kiSRCa*Cai*R - ((koSRCa*pow(Cai,2.0))*R))+(kom*O));

diff_O = (((((koSRCa*pow(Cai,2.0))*R) - (kom*O)) - ((kiSRCa*Cai)*O))+(kim*I));

diff_I = (((kiSRCa*Cai*O - kim*I) - (kom*I))+((koSRCa*pow(Cai,2.0))*RI));

i_rel = (((ks*O)*(Ca_SR - Cai))*(V_SR/Vc));


kCaSR = (MaxSR - ((MaxSR - MinSR)/(1.0+pow((ec50SR/Ca_SR),2.5))));

kiSRCa = (kiCa*kCaSR);

koSRCa = (koCa/kCaSR);

RI = 1.0 - R - O - I;



r3 = (r5*r1);

r4 = (1.0/((1.0/r2)+(1.0/r6)));

s3 = (s5*s1);

s4 = (1.0/((1.0/s2)+(1.0/s6)));


alpha_ito_s = (s1*exp((V/s2)));

beta_ito_s = (s3*exp((V/s4)));

ito_s_inf = (alpha_ito_s/(alpha_ito_s+beta_ito_s));

tau_ito_s = ((1.0/(alpha_ito_s+beta_ito_s))+tau_s_const);

diff_s = ((ito_s_inf - s)/tau_ito_s);


alpha_ito_r = (r1*exp((V/r2)));

beta_ito_r = (r3*exp((V/r4)));

ito_r_inf = (alpha_ito_r/(alpha_ito_r+beta_ito_r));

tau_ito_r = ((1.0/(alpha_ito_r+beta_ito_r))+tau_r_const);

diff_r = ((ito_r_inf - r)/tau_ito_r);


i_to = ((g_to*r*s)*(V - E_K));



i_up = (VmaxUp/(1.0+(pow(Kup,2.0)/pow(Cai,2.0))));



diff_Ki = (-Cm/(F*Vc))*(i_K1+i_to+i_Kr+i_Ks+i_fK +i_CaL_K- 2.0*i_NaK);



Iion = i_K1+i_Na+i_to+i_Kr+i_Ks+i_CaL+i_CaT+i_NaK+i_NaCa+i_PCa+i_f+i_b_Na+i_b_Ca;




FRT = (F/(R_phys*T));

RTF = ((R_phys*T)/F);


group {




group {























1 Answer

0 votes
by (180 points)
The problem has been solved recently. The thing is that units of measurement were initially annotated after each line, for example:

Buf_C = 0.06; .units(mol/m^3);

Deleting them fixed the problem for some reason.
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