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by (470 points)
hello i would like to clamp my Ca concentration  to a specific form of wave that i wrote in a txt file, i was trying to use commands --AP-clamp-file  pulse.txt  or --clamp-file pulse.txt but when i checked the Ca_i variable it was  not clamped to that form, please can someone advice me which bench command to use ?

1 Answer

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by (19.2k points)

As the Ca concentration is a state variable, these arguments are the relevant ones:


      --clamp-SVs=STRING       colon separated list of state variable to clamp


      --SV-clamp-files=STRING  : separated list of files from which to read

                                 state variables  (default=`')

      --SV-I-trigger           apply SV clamps at each current stim


by (470 points)
edited by
bench --imp GPVatria --stim-curr 40  --numstim 2 --stim-start 0  --stim-dur 1 --bcl 300  --clamp-SVs Ca_i --SV-clamp-files Ca_clamp.txt --SV-I-trigger on
 This is what  i wrote at bcl =300 i have alternance and Ca_clamp.txt contain the form of the even beat when i run the simulation and i open the Trace_0  to see the sv Ca_i it still  have alternance like i dit not use clamp at all, just like the simulator ignored the clamp file i gave and just lanched the simulation with the stimulation protocol without applying the signal i gave, and when i gave  --stim-curr 0 to see the Ca_i output i do not have a wave,   what am i doing not correctly ?
by (19.2k points)
I suggest to run the command in a debugger to see what's going on. If you found the reason, others will likely appreciate if you share it here.
by (470 points)
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I run the command in the debbuger but there is no error,  the problem is when i do the clamping  and i give the clamp file( contenning colon lf time and colon of the Sv values) to stimulate with stim_curr=0 ,   i still have a Ap but that Ap do not take the form of the signal that i gave, i still have alternance, my goal is to eliminate alternances by clamping all the beat to on form I do not undestand what wrong please i need help and advices,
by (19.2k points)
You'll have to set a breakpoint in the debugger at the relevant lines of in order to be able to inspect the values of the variables you are interested in.
This might help you to figure out why the simulation is not behaving as you expect.
by (470 points)
Thanks Mr Axel but i am not very good in programming i was trying to play with the code but i still have error i read an article about OpenCarp , they say that it is possible to clamp a sv to wave form that we need, I really need   to make this experiment work for me to continue my project , is it possible to ask some help from someone who is more  expetimented than me to help me make this work ?
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