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by (200 points)

I am slightly confused by the format of the files you get when checkpointing during a simulation. They are all '.roe' files and I don't how to use them. (They won't load in meshalyzer and are unreadable using nano/vim). I would ideally like to write a script that can load a checkpoint and perform phie-recovery on that state but I wanted some clarification on how to get an igb file from the checkpointed state.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (19.2k points)
These are binary files and their only supported purpose is to load them as initial state of your next simulation.

If you want to display the transmembrane distribution for that time step or recover phi_e for that time step , I think it's much better to just output igb files directly.

In theory you can recover all states variables for each cell from this file but their number, order etc. is dependent on the cell model, mesh etc. This is an entry point for diving into the code:
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