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0 votes
by (130 points)


Many thanks for setting up OpenCarp. I have tried using Examples 01 and 02, but have received the same.

KeyError: 'mechanics_options_file'

(base) 192-168-1-110:01_basic_bench anand$ cd ${TUTORIALS}/01_EP_single_cell/02B_APD_restitution

(base) 192-168-1-110:02B_APD_restitution anand$ bench --list-impsFound license file path: //Users/anand/CARP/cme-osx-free/carpentry/lic/license.bin

Very grateful for a hand in resolving this error?

Many thanks,


1 Answer

+1 vote
by (19.2k points)
Hi Anand,

at first glance it looks like you are using carpentry and not openCARP. Did you install openCARP according to the instructions on the webpage?


by (130 points)
Thanks Axel!

Managed to install after uninstalling the partial CARP installation we had.
1. Having trouble with the visualisations though because don't have limpetgui? Is this part of the docker container?

2. Also-having trouble navigating around the command line once the docker run script deployed and you are in the "root" command line? Usual commands don't work as expected e.g. "cd-" to go up one directory? Sorry for the multiple questions...many thanks for your help!

3. Can Meshalyzer be installed if you are working on MacOSX? I had trouble installing libpng which seems to be a dependency of this part?

Many thanks for your help, very happy to take this off line if you prefer,

by (570 points)
Hi Anand,

1. The docker container doesn't include GUI tools like limpetGUI and meshalyzer because we avoid the extra setup of X-server. You could just install limpetGUI and meshalyzer in your machine. We are also working on a webGUI for docker container. Please stay tuned!

2. How do you run the docker container? The docker container is based on Ubuntu 18.04, so usual terminal commands like "cd -" should work.

3. Yes, meshalyzer can be installed under different operating systems. Mac users can install dependencies using homebrew or macports. Please also read the installation steps for meshalyzer in:


by (130 points)
Thanks Cary. I have tried to get Limpetgui-but haven't had any success with the git clone step, and have worked through the install of libpng, fltk,glew,glut but had no luck with meshalyzer either. Is there any chance to work with someone there to check on any missing steps.
by (3.6k points)
Hi Anand,

To understand better the issue that you are having, could you please copy the error messages that you are getting?


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