Doxygen code documentation for the python framework controlling openCARP
▼Nbin | |
►Nbin2h5 | Create a HDF5 repository file for the ionic models in LIMPET |
CFileDescription | Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv |
►Nclosest_hc | |
CMyError | |
►NplotTrace | Plot trace files |
CFileDescription | Class to hold the information about each of the binary output files generated by LIMPET/bench which contain information about the sv |
►Nsurfextract | Little tool to extract surface data from a given mesh and save them as VTK files |
CListCreator | |
CListModifier | |
CListModifierAction | |
►Nupdate-carp | |
CBCOLORS | A simple color class |
▼Ncarputils | |
►Nbullseye | |
►Nplot | |
CBEPlot | |
►Nbundle | |
►Nparfileadjustment | |
C_OCParam | An object of this class represents an OpenCARP parameter |
►Ncarpio | |
►Nbin | |
CBinFile | Bench .bin format file IO class |
►Ncsv | |
CCSVFile | Read from a csv file |
►Nfilelike | |
CFileLikeMixin | Implements a file-like mixin that essentially allows self-closing when exiting a "with-block" |
►Nigb | |
CIGBFile | IGB format file IO class |
►Nlimpetguihdf5 | |
CLimpetGUIHDF5File | Limpetgui HDF5 file IO class |
►Nlut | |
CLUTFile | Read from a LUT file |
CLUTHeader | Describes a LUT file header |
►Nquantity | |
CPhysicalQuantity | Provides a class to convert physical quantities from a string to numerical values |
►Nsv | |
CSVFile | Read a single state variable (sv) file |
CSVSeries | Read a set of state variable (sv) files |
►Ntagdefs | |
Ctagsdict | Generate the tag and option dictionary for simulation based on the argument flags |
►Ntxt | |
CTxtFile | File IO class for reading ascii files with extensions |
►Ncli | |
CCallbacksMixin | |
CCarputilsArgumentParser | |
CGroupAccessMixin | |
►Ncml | |
►Ncmlconverter | |
CCMLConverter | Class defining basic string conversion methods |
CCMLConverterYAML | Class defining YAML conform string conversion methods |
►Ncmlparser | |
CCMLParser | Class defining a basic parser interface |
CCMLParserYAML | Class to parse YAML strings |
►Ncmltree | |
CCMLDictBranch | Class defining a dict-branch object |
CCMLDictOperations | Class defining dictionary operations |
CCMLLeaf | Class defining a leaf object |
CCMLListBranch | Class defining a list-branch object |
CCMLNamespace | Class defining a namespace |
CCMLNode | Class defining a simple node object |
►Ndataproc | |
CAverageData | |
CBandStopBesselFilter | |
CBandStopButterFilter | |
CDataProcessor | |
CHighPassBesselFilter | |
CHighPassButterFilter | |
CLowPassBesselFilter | |
CLowPassButterFilter | |
►Ndivertoutput | |
CDivertOutputError | |
►Nfigui | |
CArtistMenu | |
CFigureUI | |
►Nfitting | |
►Nklotz | |
CKlotzRelation | Represents the EDPVR determined by Klotz from a single volume, pressure measurement |
►Nforcepss | |
►Nformat | |
CCell | |
CSummary | |
CTable | |
►Njob | |
►Ncommand | |
CCommand | Interface that commands should provide |
CMPICommand | A shell command to be executed with MPI |
CPythonCommand | A command defined by a self-contained Python function |
CShellCommand | A command executable in the bash shell |
►Noptionlist | |
COptionList | Special type which behaves like list but stores some arguments to be kept at end |
►Nmachines | |
►Narcher | |
CArcher | Run jobs on the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service |
►Narcher2 | |
CARCHER2 | Run on Archer2 Info |
►Narcher24c | |
CARCHER24C | Run on Archer2-4c Info |
►Narcher2_e756 | |
CARCHER2E756 | Run on Archer2 Info |
►Narcher_camel | |
CArcherCamel | Run jobs on the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service |
►Narcher_intel | |
CArcherIntel | Run jobs on the ARCHER UK National Supercomputing Service |
►Nbwunicluster | |
CBwUniCluster | Run on BwUniCluster 2.0 Info |
►Ncurie | |
CCurie | Run on the Curie supercomputer |
►Ndesktop | |
CDesktop | Desktop platform, providing extensive debugging and profiling capabilities |
►Ngeneral | |
CBatchPlatform | Generic class for batch platforms |
CClassPropertyDescriptor | |
CPlatform | Generic platform oject outlying the interface |
►Nhoreka | |
CHoreKa | Run on HoreKa Info |
►Nmarconi | |
CMarconi | Run jobs on the MARCONI HPC Cluster |
►Nmarconi_slurm | |
CMarconiDebug | Run jobs on the MARCONI HPC Cluster |
CMarconiSlurm | Run jobs on the MARCONI HPC Cluster |
►Nmedbionode | |
CMedBioNode | Run on MedBioNode |
►Nmedtronic | |
CMedtronic | Run jobs on the Medtronic HPC |
►Nmephisto | |
CMephisto | Run on the local Mephisto GPU cluster |
►Nsupermuc | |
CSuperMUCAbstract | |
CSuperMUCFat | Run on fat nodes at the SuperMUC petascale system in Germany |
CSuperMUCInteractive | Run interatively at the SuperMUC petascale system in Germany |
CSuperMUCThin | Run on thin nodes at the SuperMUC petascale system in Germany |
►Nvsc2 | |
CVSC2 | Run on VSC-2 at the Vienna Scientific Cluster |
►Nvsc3 | |
CVSC3 | Run on VSC-3 at the Vienna Scientific Cluster |
►Nwopr | |
CWopr | Run jobs on SCI GPU cluster wopr |
►Nmesh | |
►Nbase | |
CElement | Describes a mesh element |
CElementCompressedRowMixin | Element mixing implementing compressed row storage similar to openCARP storage |
CElementMaskedArrayMixin | Element mixin implementing numpy masked array storage |
CElementMixinBase | Base class for element mixins, to be subclassed with element storage code |
CMesh | Base mesh class with read functionality |
►Nbivslice | |
CBiVSlice | |
►Nblock | |
CBlock | Generate a block mesh with the mesher command line utility |
►Ncable | |
CCable | Generate a one dimensional mesh of line segments |
►Nellipsoid | |
CEllipsoid | Generate a mesh of an ellipsoidal shell |
►Nfourch | |
CFourChamber | |
►Ngeneral | |
CMesh | A generic mesh class the provides the core functionality in 1D and 3D |
CMesh2D | A generic mesh class adding the core functionality for 2D meshes |
CMesh3D | A generic mesh class adding the core functionality for 3D meshes |
►Ngrid | |
CGrid | Generate a two dimensional mesh of a regular grid |
►Npipe | |
CPipe | Generate a pipe mesh or a pipe-segment mesh |
►Nregion | |
CBoxRegion | Describe an axis-aligned cuboid for mesh tag assignment |
CCylinderRegion | Describe a cylinder for mesh tag assignment |
CRegion | A general region definition |
CSphereRegion | Describe a sphere for mesh tag assignment |
►Nring | |
CRing | Generate a mesh of a ring/cylindrical shell |
►Nmodel | |
►Nconductivity | |
CConductivityRegion | Defines an electrical conductivity region |
►Ngeneral | |
CAbstractIonicModel | |
CAbstractMechanicsMaterial | |
CAbstractModelComponent | Describes an abstract model component |
CAbstractPlugin | |
CAddModifier | Describes a parameter add modifier |
CExternalIonicModel | Describes the passive ionic model configuration |
CModelMixin | More concrete version of the ParameterSetMixin for ep/mechanics models |
CModifier | Describes a parameter assigment modifier |
CMultModifier | Describes a parameter multiply modifier |
CNoPlugin | Placeholder representing no plugin to be used |
CParameterSet | Describes a set of parameters that can be generated into a single string |
CParameterSetMixin | A mixin to add a parameter set field to a model component class |
CRegionMixin | A mixin to add region fields to a model component class |
CSingleIDRegionMixin | A mixin to add fields for a single-ID region to a model component class |
►Nionic | |
CAlievPanfilovIonicModel | Describes the AlievPanfilov ionic model |
CAslanidiSleimanIonicModel | Describes the AslanidiSleiman ionic model |
CAugustinIonicModel | Describes the Augustin ionic model |
CBondarenkoIonicModel | Describes the Bondarenko ionic model |
CCamposIonicModel | Describes the Campos ionic model |
CCourtemancheIonicModel | Describes the Courtemanche ionic model |
CDiFrancescoNobleIonicModel | Describes the DiFrancescoNoble ionic model |
CDrouhardRobergeIonicModel | Describes the DrouhardRoberge ionic model |
CFabbriIonicModel | Describes the Fabbri ionic model |
CFoxIonicModel | Describes the Fox ionic model |
CGaurIonicModel | Describes the Gaur ionic model |
CGrandiIonicModel | Describes the Grandi ionic model |
CGrandiPanditVoigtIonicModel | Describes the GrandiPanditVoigt ionic model |
CHodgkinHuxleyIonicModel | Describes the HodgkinHuxley ionic model |
CInadaIonicModel | Describes the Inada ionic model |
CIribeKohlIonicModel | Describes the IribeKohl ionic model |
CKurataIonicModel | Describes the Kurata ionic model |
CLoeweIonicModel | Describes the Loewe ionic model |
CLuoRudy91IonicModel | Describes the LuoRudy91 ionic model |
CLuoRudy94IonicModel | Describes the LuoRudy94 ionic model |
CMacCannellIonicModel | Describes the MacCannell ionic model |
CMahajanShiferawIonicModel | Describes the MahajanShiferaw ionic model |
CMaleckarIonicModel | Describes the Maleckar ionic model |
CMitchellSchaefferIonicModel | Describes the MitchellSchaeffer ionic model |
CNygrenIonicModel | Describes the Nygren ionic model |
COHaraIonicModel | Describes the OHara ionic model |
CPassiveIonicRegion | Describes the passive ionic model configuration |
CPathmanathanIonicModel | Describes the Pathmanathan ionic model |
CPlonseyIonicModel | Describes the Plonsey ionic model |
CRamirezIonicModel | Describes the Ramirez ionic model |
CSeveriIonicModel | Describes the Severi ionic model |
CShannonIonicModel | Describes the Shannon ionic model |
CSkibsbyeIonicModel | Describes the Skibsbye ionic model |
CStewartIonicModel | Describes the Stewart ionic model |
CtenTusscherPanfilovIonicModel | Describes the tenTusscherPanfilov ionic model |
CTomekIonicModel | Describes the Tomek ionic model |
CWangSobieIonicModel | Describes the WangSobie ionic model |
►Nstimulus | |
CStimulus | Represents a single stimulus argument to openCARP |
►Nsettings | |
►Nbuildinfo | |
CCARPUtilsMissingMakevar | |
►Nexceptions | |
CCARPUtilsMissingLicenseError | |
CCARPUtilsMissingPathError | |
CCARPUtilsMissingSettingError | |
CCARPUtilsSettingsError | |
CCARPUtilsSettingsWarning | |
►Nnamespace | |
CSettingsNamespace | Settings namespace object |
►Npaths | |
CPath | |
CPathSettingsNamespace | Modified namespace with extra error handling for paths |
►Nsettings | |
CSettingsModule | |
►Nsolver | |
CSolverOptions | A container class with some convenience methods for setting up openCARP options |
►Nstream | |
CDummyStream | A placeholder stream that simply ignores the write instruction |
CMultiStream | A stream that forwards on the write call to other streams |
CRegexCallbackStream | |
►Ntuning | |
CCVtuning | Class for managing CV tuning |
Cdspace |