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by (340 points)
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I managed to stimulate an external heart mesh and simulate activation propagation. Now, I want to get 12-lead ECG signals resulting from my simulation. Theoretically, I am trying to solve the forward problem of ECG and I know I need a transfer matrix that I can multiply with extracellular potentials so I can get ECG signals. This transfer matrix is dependent on my heart-torso model. However, I have seen ecg class in carputils, which might be the already built-in forward model. Therefore, I wanted to ask if openCARP has already available ECG signal calculation tool?

For completeness, I want to add that I checked the Extracellular potentials and ECGs example many times, and I am not interested in transmural ECGs. I also checked the similar question and I understand what is described. I just want to make sure I am not missing an elegant and less cumbersome method instead of putting heart mesh into torso mesh and simulating that way.

In the case where I must put heart mesh into torso mesh and calculate, where am I supposed to put the electrodes that goes to legs and arms?

Thank you in advance.



1 Answer

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by (19.1k points)
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Best answer
Hi Kocak,

No, there is no such method for deriving a 12-lead ECG without a torso mesh. I don't see a way how this could be done to be honest.

Regarding the electrode positions: they are normally placed on the respective shoulder / hip in modern electrocardiography. The names stem from Einthoven's days when he had to put his extremities in liquid-filled pots.
by (140 points)
I would like to know if opencarp can export the transfer matrix mentioned above for obtaining ECG signals from extracellular potentials
by (19.1k points)
If you refer to extracellular potentials on the body, it is just the difference of the signals at two locations for the Einthoven leads and the difference with respect to an average of other signals for the unipolar signals.
If you refer to extracellular potentials on the heart, I'm not aware of functionality to do that with openCARP (only for transmembrane voltages)
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